talentyao / markdown4j

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Getting notified of markdown4j releases
Reporting defects or Submiting enhancement requests
Installing Markdown4j
Using Markdown4j
Learning Markdown syntax
Markdown extensions
    Delimited code blocks
    Newlines conversion in paragraph
    Google map address link
    YUML support
    Websequence support
Custom HTML rendering
Creating your own markdown4j plugin
    Implementation of tables
    TOC (table of content)
    Header identifiers
    Numbered Headers
    Ignore first header
    Include extension

Getting notified of markdown4j releases

You can subscribe to markdown4j releases via this RSS feed. Reporting defects or Submiting enhancement requests

Just send me a message styrand@gmail.com Overview

markdown4j is an open-source java extensible markdown processor.

It is a fork of the famous https://github.com/rjeschke/txtmark project created by René Jeschke.

It is inspired from the great John Mac Farlane's Pandoc utility which contains a lot of interesting extensions.

It adds somme features, particularly the ability to extend and to modify the rendering of the processor.

List of features :

Cross-platform program (100% Java based)
Lightweight : no library dependencies, easy to understand and to use
Implements the great John Gruber's incredible Markdown text-to-html conversion utility.
Implements some useful extensions like :
    delimited code block
    newlines conversion
    address link (to google map)
    UML diagrams support with two provided plugins : YumlPlugin for class diagrams and WebSequencePlugin for sequence diagrams
    Ability to customize html rendering (for example add custom attributes like class, style, ...)
    Ability to extend Makdown4j with plugins 
Other useful features are planned for the next releases like :
    toc (table of contents)
    numbered headers


11/01/2013 : Markdown4j 2.2 released :
    api is made fluent 

10/01/2013 : Markdown4j 2.1 released :
    some corrections
    facilities to customize html rendering 

09/01/2013 : Markdown4j 2.0 released :
    some bugs fixes
    based now on txtmark 

07/12/2012 : Markdown4j 1.1 released :
    some bugs fixes 

25/10/2012 : Markdown4j 1.0 released 

Installing Markdown4j

For the current version of Markdown4j, you will need a JDK version 6 or higher.
Download the latest jar distribution of Markdown4j here
Add the jar in your classpath 

Using Markdown4j

You can easily use markdown4j in your program. Just create a Processor then call the markdown method. The processor will parse your markdown text and generate the html block corresponding :

import org.markdown4j.Markdown4jProcessor;

... ...

String html = new Markdown4jProcessor().process("This is a bold text");

Learning Markdown syntax

If you want to learn the markdown syntax, just read the John Gruber's page. Markdown extensions

Markdown4j understands an extended version of John Gruber’s markdown syntax. This paragraph explains the extensions implemented in markdown4j. Strikeout

Strikeout is an extension originally created by John Mac Farlane's Pandoc.

To strikeout a section of text with a horizontal line, begin and end it with . For example,

This is deleted text

will turn into

This is deleted text

Delimited code blocks

A delimited code blocks is an extension originally created by John Mac Farlane's Pandoc.

These begin with a row of three or more tildes (~) or backticks (`) and end with a row of tildes or backticks that must be at least as long as the starting row. Everything between these lines is treated as code. No indentation is necessary :

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

You can specify the language of the code block:

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

will turn into

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

Newlines conversion in paragraph

This extension was originally created by GitHub.

Markdown4j treats newlines in a paragraph content as real line breaks, which is often what you intended.

first line second line

will turn into :

first line
second line

Google map address link

You can link a section of text containing an address with google map. Just begin it with <@ and end it with >. For example,

<@15 rue de la paix Paris>

will turn into

15 rue de la paix Paris

YUML support

Markdown supports the creation of UML diagram (class, activity or use case) in your document. This extension uses the famous yuml web service Usage

%%% yuml type=class|activity|usecase scale=numeric style=scruffy|plain|nofunky dir=LR|RL|TD format=png|jpg|svg|json content here... %%%

For more detail see the yUML web site. Parameters definition

name mandatory type default value description style no string scruffy style of the diagram : 'scruffy', 'plain' or 'nofunky' type no string class type of dthe iagram : 'class', 'usecase' or activity' dir no string LR direction of the diagram : 'LR', 'RL' or 'TD' format no string png format of the generated image : 'png', 'jpg' or 'svg' scale no int size of the generated image


%%% yuml style=nofunky scale=120 format=svg [Customer]<>-orders*>[Order] [Order]++-0..*>[LineItem] [Order]-[note:Aggregate root.] %%%

Websequence support

Markdown supports the creation of UML sequence diagram in your document. This extension uses the famous websequencediagrams web service Usage

%%% sequence style=default|earth|modern-blue|mscgen|omegapple|qsd|rose|roundgreen|napkin content here... %%%

For more detail see the websequencediagrams web site. Parameters definition

name mandatory type default value description style no string default style of the diagram : 'default','earth','modern-blue','mscgen','omegapple','qsd','rose','roundgreen' or 'napkin'


%%% sequence style=modern-blue title Authentication Sequence

Alice->Bob: Authentication Request note right of Bob: Bob thinks about it Bob->Alice: Authentication Response %%%

Custom HTML rendering

You can easily customize the html rendering of an HTML element, for example to modify the style of an element.

If you want to display the blockquote in red (set an attribute style to color:red), just add a configuration like this :

String html = new Markdown4jProcessor().addHtmlAttribute("style", "color:red", "blockquote").process("...");

Just add another parameter if you want to apply this style to another element :

String html = new Markdown4jProcessor().addHtmlAttribute("style", "color:red", "blockquote", "h1").process("...");

If you want to modify the css class of a and p elements (set an attribute class), just add a configuration like this :

String html = new Markdown4jProcessor().addStyleClass("myclass", "a", "p").process("...");

If you want to display the blockquote in red (set an attribute target to blank), just add a configuration like this :

String html = new Markdown4jProcessor().addHtmlAttribute("target", "_blank", "a").process("...");

Creating your own markdown4j plugin

Markdown4j allows you to create your own plugin.

A plugin is a block of lines delimited between '%%% ' followed by the name of the plugin and '%%%'. Everything between these lines is treated as plugin. Usage

%%% PluginId param1=value1 param2=value2 ... Content here ... %%%


%%% mypluginid class=classValue type=typeValue MyPlugInIdContent ... ... %%%


To treat theses lines create your own plugin class extending Plugin :

public class MyPlugin extends Plugin { public MyPlugin() { //bind your plugin with id super("mypluginid"); } @Override public void emit(StringBuilder out, List lines, Map<String, String> params) { //read params and manage default value String type = params.get("type"); if(type == null) { type = "defaultType";
} String clazz = params.get("class"); if(clazz == null) { clazz = "defaultClass";

//process your plugin and return your text

} }

Then call the register method of the emitter before process (the api is fluent) :

//Generate html with the custom plugin String html = new Markdown4jProcessor().register(new MyPlugin()).process("...");

Roadmap Implementation of tables

Tables is an extension originally created by John Mac Farlane's Pandoc.

It presupposes the use of a fixed-width font, such as Courier.

The table is a block element. It must begin with a line of dashes and must end with a blank line.

Simple tables look like this:

     Right  Left

12 12 123 555

will turn into


The headers and table rows must each fit on one line. Column alignments are determined by the position of the text relative to the dashed line below it:

If the dashed line is flush with the header text on the right side but extends beyond it on the left, the text is right-aligned.
If the dashed line is flush with the header text on the left side but extends beyond it on the right, the text is left-aligned.
If the dashed line extends beyond the header text on both sides, the text is centered.
If the dashed line is flush with the header text on both sides, the default alignment is used (in most cases, this will be left). 

The alignments is calculated for each cell. The column width is calculated in percent from the number of dashes of each column.

You can add a footer by adding a dashed separator line like this :

     Right  Left

12 12 123 555

Sum 567

will turn into


TOC (table of content)

An inline table of contents can be generated in your page. Example

{{ toc max-depth="2" }}

Parameters definition

name mandatory type description max-depth no int the maximum header depth to display in the table of contents (default : 6)

Header identifiers

Header identifiers is an extension originally created by John Mac Farlane's Pandoc.

Each header element in markdown4j output is given a unique identifier. This identifier is based on the text of the header. To derive the identifier from the header text,

Remove all formatting, links, etc.
Remove all punctuation, except underscores, hyphens, and periods.
Replace all spaces and newlines with hyphens.
Convert all alphabetic characters to lowercase.
Remove everything up to the first letter (identifiers may not begin with a number or punctuation mark).
If nothing is left after this, use the identifier section. 

These identifiers are used to provide links from one section of a document to another. A link to this section, for example, might look like this :

This is h1 section

My h1 content.

This is h2 section

My h2 content.

######## This is h3 section ########

My h3 content See h2 section

Numbered Headers

Numbered headers is a useful rendering extension to add a number before your header title.

Just call the numberHeaders method of the processor before markdown (the api is fluent).

MarkdownProcessor processor = new MarkdownProcessor(); //Generate html with numbered headers String html = processor.numberHeaders().markdown(...);

Ignore first header

Sometimes the first header is the title of your document : you want to ignore it in the toc and in the numbering of the headers.

Just call the ignoreFirstHeader method of the processor before markdown (the api is fluent).

MarkdownProcessor processor = new MarkdownProcessor(); //Generate html with numbered headers and ignore first header String html = processor.numberHeaders().ignoreFirstHeader().markdown(...);

Include extension

Include another markdown document into the current document. Example

... {{include src="https://raw.github.com/vmg/redcarpet/4c14d0875163890e553897efcceb7480aa34f8e9/README.markdown"}} ...

Parameters definition

name mandatory type description src yes string path of the document to include (can be an url or a relative path)


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