takkuumi / swc-plugin-transform-vue3-jsx

SWC plugin for transform Vue3-jsx syntax

Home Page:https://swc-plugin-transform-vue3-jsx.netlify.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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💡SWC plugin for faster conversion vue3-jsx.



npm install swc-plugin-transform-vue3-jsx -D


yarn add swc-plugin-transform-vue3-jsx -D



  "jsc": {
    "parser": {
      "syntax": "typescript",
      "tsx": true
  "experimental": {
    "plugins": [["swc-plugin-transform-vue3-jsx", {}]]
  1. ✅ New option reactStyle: Convert react-jsx syntax into vue3-jsx equivalent conversion product, which is convenient for developers to quickly convert react-projects into vue-projects.
  2. ✅ New Option transformOnUpdateEvent: To convert any property that looks like onUpdateXxx to an onUpdate:xxx property (which is not a legal prop-name due to JSX's own rules), often used for naive-UI.
  3. ✅ New Option transformVSlot: To convert any property that looks like v-slot:xxx to an v-slots={{"xxx": ...}} property.
  4. ✅ New Option transformSlot: To convert tag that named slot to a vnodeChild expression.
  5. ✅ New Option hmr: Generate the HMR code.
  6. ✅ New Option vModel and 'vOn'.
  7. 🤥 Option isCustomElement renamed to customElement, and only string arrays are supported(SWC only supports json options).
  8. ⚒️ More radical optimization algorithm.
  9. ⚒️ Fixed some bugs for @vue/babel-plugin-jsx.




Type: string[]

Default: [/.*/.toString()]

A minimatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin should operate on.


Type: string[]

Default: undefined

A minimatch pattern, or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin should ignore.


Type: boolean

Default: false

transform on: { click: xx } to onClick: xxx


Type: boolean

Default: false

enable optimization or not. It's not recommended to enable it If you are not familiar with Vue 3.


Type: string[]

Default: undefined

configuring custom elements.


;['my-custom-element', /^my-[a-z0-9-]+$/.toString()]


Type: boolean

Default: true

merge static and dynamic class / style attributes / onXXX handlers


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether to enable object slots (mentioned below the document) syntax". It might be useful in JSX, but it will add a lot of toObjectSlots call expressions which increase your bundle size. And v-slots is still available even if enableObjectSlots is turned off.


Type: string

Default: createVNode

Replace the function used when compiling JSX expressions.

reactStyle (New)

Type: boolean

Default: false

Convert react-jsx syntax into vue3-jsx equivalent conversion product, which is convenient for developers to quickly convert react-projects into vue-projects.

.e.g <div className="class-1" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={html} /> => <div class="class-1" v-html={html} />

.e.g <label htmlFor="xxx">...</label> => <label for="xxx">...</label>

transformOnUpdateEvent (New)

Type: boolean

Default: false

To convert any property that looks like onUpdateXxx to an onUpdate:xxx property (which is not a legal prop-name due to JSX's own rules), often used for naive-UI.

.e.g <NInput onUpdateValue={onUpdate} /> => <NInput onUpdate:value={onUpdate} />

transformVSlot (New)

Type: boolean

Default: false

To convert any property that looks like v-slot:xxx to an v-slots={{"xxx": ...}} property.

.e.g <Comp v-slot:my-slot={ () => [<input/>] } /> => <NInput v-slots={{ "my-slot": () => [<input/>] }} />

transformSlot (New)

Type: boolean

Default: false

To convert tag that named slot to a vnodeChild expression.

.e.g <slot name="item" data={data}></slot> => renderSlot('item', { data })

vModel (New)

Type: boolean

Default: true

vOn (New)

Type: boolean

Default: true

hmr (New)

Type: boolean

Default: false

Generate the HMR code.


directive syntax

in vue template

<comp v-directive:argument.modifier="expression" />

is same as jsx

<comp v-directive:argument_modifier={expression} />


<comp vDirective:argument_modifier={expression} />


functional component

const App = () => <div>Vue 3.0</div>

with render

const App = {
  render() {
    return <div>Vue 3.0</div>
import { withModifiers, defineComponent } from 'vue'

const App = defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0)

    const inc = () => {

    return () => <div onClick={withModifiers(inc, ['self'])}>{count.value}</div>


const App = () => (

Attributes / Props

const App = () => <input type="email" />

with a dynamic binding:

const placeholderText = 'email'
const App = () => <input type="email" placeholder={placeholderText} />



const App = {
  data() {
    return { visible: true }
  render() {
    return <input v-show={this.visible} />


Note: You should pass the second param as string for using arg.

<input v-model={val} />

Will compile to:

createVNode('input', {
  modelValue: val,
  'onUpdate:modelValue': $event => (val = $event)
<input v-model:argument_modifier={val} />

Will compile to:

createVNode('input', {
  argument: val,
  argumentModifiers: {
    modifier: true
  'onUpdate:argument': $event => (val = $event)
<input v-model={[val, ['modifier']]} />
createVNode('input', {
  modelValue: val,
  modelValueModifiers: {
    modifier: true
  'onUpdate:modelValue': $event => (val = $event)
<A v-model={[val, 'argument', ['modifier']]} />

Will compile to:

createVNode(A, {
  argument: val,
  argumentModifiers: {
    modifier: true
  'onUpdate:argument': $event => (val = $event)


Note: You should pass a Two-dimensional Arrays to v-models.

<A v-models={[[foo], [bar, 'bar']]} />
    [foo, 'foo'],
    [bar, 'bar']
    [foo, ['modifier']],
    [bar, 'bar', ['modifier']]

Will compile to:

createVNode(A, {
  modelValue: foo,
  modelValueModifiers: {
    modifier: true
  'onUpdate:modelValue': $event => (foo = $event),
  bar: bar,
  barModifiers: {
    modifier: true
  'onUpdate:bar': $event => (bar = $event)

custom directive

Recommended when using string arguments

const App = {
  directives: { custom: customDirective },
  setup() {
    return () => <a v-custom:arg={val} />
const App = {
  directives: { custom: customDirective },
  setup() {
    return () => <a v-custom={[val, 'arg', ['a', 'b']]} />


Note: In jsx, v-slot should be replace with v-slots

const A = (props, { slots }) => (
    <h1>{slots.default ? slots.default() : 'foo'}</h1>

const App = {
  setup() {
    const slots = {
      bar: () => [<span>B</span>]
    return () => (
      <A v-slots={slots}>

// or

const App = {
  setup() {
    const slots = {
      default: () => [<div>A</div>],
      bar: () => [<span>B</span>]
    return () => <A v-slots={slots} />

// or you can use object slots when `enableObjectSlots` is not false.
const App = {
  setup() {
    return () => (
            default: () => [<div>A</div>],
            bar: () => [<span>B</span>]
        <B>{() => 'foo'}</B>

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MIT License © 2022 xxXyh1908


SWC plugin for transform Vue3-jsx syntax


License:MIT License


Language:Rust 84.1%Language:JavaScript 8.9%Language:Vue 4.2%Language:TypeScript 2.2%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:HTML 0.1%