Home (3 tabs) -- Workouts: list of all stored/defined workouts -- Home: details on last workout (e.g. date, duration) -- Settings: app-wide settings
Workout: name, sortable list of exercises that are part of this workout & button to add exercise
Exercise: details about an exercise
In-play: workout in play (details like timer, current exercise, next exercise, etc.)
- Since we're gonna have the one activity approach, this means the home screen will consist of a fragment that hosts the other 3 fragments (workouts, home and settings)
Structure still under review.
- App: main module
- Workouts: list of workouts, creating a new workout flow (will probably depend on 'exercises')
- Exercises: exercise screen, new exercise flow
- Session: exercise session/in-play
- Settings: app-wide settings, including settings screen
Questions left to answer:
- MVVM vs MVI?
- RxJava, yes or no?