takayamaki / aws-sns-line-notify

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a sample that is send notification to LINE Notify when recived message's subject from AWS SNS topic.


This sample is NOT crypt LINE Notify secret.
Because, CloudFormation cannot create SecureString of SSM Parameter Store.

If you want to use this in production, you should load secret with SecureString of SSM Parameter Store, KMS and IAMRole.

How to use

  1. Execute yarn install
  2. Copy config/config.yml.sample to config/(your any environment name).yml
  3. Issue token by LINE Notify.
  4. Fill your environment YAML.
  5. Execute yarn run sls deploy -s {your environment name} -v
  6. Test created lambda by test data.
  7. You will see {snsTopicName in YAML}_{your environment name}_sns_topic in SNS topic page of AWS Web console.
  8. Associate the topic to some data source by AWS Web console or any other tools.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%