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đź‘” The Implementation of Clothing Image Search using MongoDB Vector Search

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Clothing Image Similarity Search
using Vector Search MongoDB

Python MongoDB

Table of Contents

Similar image search is a notable application within the realm of Recommendation Systems. In this blog, I will provide an in-depth exploration of the step-by-step process involved in constructing a Similar Image Search System. Notably, I will highlight the utilization of the cutting-edge Vector Search engine recently introduced by the MongoDB team, showcasing its capabilities and contributions to the field.


We can imagine the step by step to bring deep learning from the training phase into the inference phase:

  1. Choosing the gallery image set, and then using the model to extract the representative features of this set.
  2. For every time, there is a new image as the query, we also need to present it in the feature space.
  3. Comparing the distance between the query feature and the gallery features. Two of the most popular approaches are Euclidean distance and Cosine Similarity.


Atlas Vector Search, an integral part of MongoDB Atlas, eliminates the need to duplicate or transform your data, learn new syntax, or manage additional infrastructure. Follow the below steps to set up a database:

  1. Create a cluster in MongoDB Atlas
  2. Then access the cluster and create a new project
  3. The next thing is to access the project and create a new database and collection. In this blog, I will create a database called clothes_search and a collection named feature512
  4. To connect the database from your computer, we need to install the Python package of MongoDB.
pip install pymongo

After installing the pymongo, let’s back the to database dashboard and click on Connect to obtain the connection string. Then choose the connection modal is Drivers and take the examples. Now, we can access Atlas from your local machine by using this script

import pymongo
client = pymongo.MongoClient(os.getenv("mongodb+srv://dev01:abc13579@cluster0.vmpt3h1.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"))
db = client.clothes_search
collection = db['feature512']

Insert the features into DB

As mentioned above, we need to choose a gallery set and get their feature representations. After obtaining the features, we use the client’s Mongo API to insert them into the database intermediately.

import torch.nn.functional as F
def insert_feature_to_db(
    with torch.no_grad():
        for images, img_info in tqdm(dataloader, total=len(dataloader)):
            images = images.to(device, non_blocking=True)
            outputs = F.normalize(model(images))
            outputs = outputs.detach().cpu().numpy()
            for img_info, output in zip(info_imgs, outputs):
                        "image_name": img_info,
                        "embedding": output.tolist()

The results insertion are shown in the below figure

Search Index and Querying

Before starting to search for anything you want, let’s just configure the method that you will use to communicate with the database. In the above figure, let’s click on the Search Indexes and create the new Index Should choose the term JSON Editor to start creating the new one. To search for a highly-dimensional vector, let’s follow my configuration.

  "mappings": {
    "fields": {
      "embedding": [
          "dimensions": 512,
          "similarity": "cosine",
          "type": "knnVector"

You need to pay attention to three terms including:

  1. “embedding” corresponds to the field name that you want to compare in the database.
  2. “dimensions” must match the initial dimension of the feature representations.
  3. “similarity” implies the method that we will use to compare two features.

Finally, you can search for anything that you want by using a short Python script

img = read_image(img_path, target_size=128)
device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")
model = ModelEmbedding(config = cfg)
ckpt = torch.load(
    os.path.join(cfg.SAVE_DIR, "checkpoint.pth"),
with torch.no_grad():
    vector_query = F.normalize(model(img),1)[0].detach(
    pipeline = [
            "$search": {
                "index": "feature512",
                "knnBeta": {
                    "vector": vector_query,
                    "path": "embedding",
                    "k": 10
            "$project": {
                "embedding": 0,
                "_id": 0,
                'score': {
                    '$meta': 'searchScore'
    res = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
    list_sim = []
    for r in res:
        list_sim.append((r['image_name'], r['score']))


To assess the performance of both the deep learning model and the search method of Atlas Vector Search, I employed external images that were not part of the database. This enabled me to thoroughly evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the framework I built. As you can see in the figure, the above item is the query image and the ten below images are the most similar samples in the gallery.


All contributions are welcome.


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đź‘” The Implementation of Clothing Image Search using MongoDB Vector Search



Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.0%Language:Python 5.0%