tailsjs / discord-lastfm-rpc

Gets the track being listened in LastFM and shows it in Discord via Rich Presence

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Gets the track being listened to in LastFM and shows it in Discord via Rich Presence

Русская версия


  1. Download/Clone repository
  2. Type "npm i"
  3. Configurate config.json
  4. node index.js

How to configurate config.json?

You need LastFM API Key and Discord ApplicationID

What do i need to do here?

    "lastfm": {
        "apiKey": "LastFM API Key",
        "username": "LastFM username"
    "discord": {
        "clientKey": "Discord ApplicationID",
        "updateEvery": 10e3
    "text": {
        "details": "{artist} - {track}",
        "state": "{album}",
        "imageText": "{artist} - {track} ({album})",
        "buttons": [ "Listen with me!", "Here my profile!" ]
    "buttonsEnabled": true

I will recommend you don't touch discord.updateEvery.

In text you can edit the position of the track name, artist, etc.

  • {artist} responsible for the creator of the track
  • {track} responsible for the track name
  • {album} is responsible for the album in which the track is.


"details": "I'm listen {track} by {artist}" // I'm listen Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace



Gets the track being listened in LastFM and shows it in Discord via Rich Presence


Language:JavaScript 100.0%