taijiang-tw / taijiang-ckan-translations

Translations for Taijiang Research Data Repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ckan - custom translations

This project contains custom string translations for Ckan, along with tools for maintaining translation merging etc.

Updating translation strings

Strings get merged this way:

  • Aggregate all .pots from a bunch of projects

  • Aggreagate all .pos from a bunch of projects, separated by language

  • Generate custom .po file for each language, by merging all the translations into the new template (including translations from the custom file itself)


  • Create a directory and checkout ckan + the plugins you need inside the directory.

    Important the Makefile expects to find a directory named ckan/ckan/i18n in the sources directory, plus directories named ckanext-<name>/ckanext/<name>/i18n for each plugin. Make sure you have them

  • Prepare .po files for each extra language you want to add:

    touch i18n/<lang-code>/LC_MESSAGES/ckan.po

    (this is required as the file is included in the custom translations too..)

  • Call make:

    make SOURCESDIR=/path/to/sources LANGUAGES="en_GB it es de fr" PLUGINS="one two three"
  • Translate strings:

    $EDITOR i18n/<lang-code>/LC_MESSAGES/ckan.po
  • Then, rebuild the .mo files:

    make build_mo LANGUAGES="en_GB it es de fr"

Make Ckan load custom translations

This can be done by setting the ckan.i18n_directory configuration option (in the [app:main] section of ckan configuration file) to point to the root directory of this repository (or any directory containing a copy of the i18n folder, for what matters).

How to make extensions translatable?

First, create a babel configuration file, in the root of your extension folder:

[jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
encoding = utf-8
extensions =

Then, add jinja extractor (or, would have you guessed that, ckan extractor..) as entry point in your setup.py.

entry_points = {
    'babel.extractors': [
        'ckan = ckan.lib.extract:extract_ckan',


Finally, create a setup.cfg file to tell the setuptools' babel extension commands where to search for stuff and where to put other stuff.

keywords = translate isPlural
add_comments = TRANSLATORS:
output_file = ckanext/myplugin/i18n/ckanext-myplugin.pot
width = 80
mapping_file = babel.cfg

domain = ckanext-myplugin
input_file = ckanext/myplugin/i18n/ckanext-myplugin.pot
output_dir = ckanext/myplugin/i18n

domain = ckanext-myplugin
input_file = ckanext/myplugin/i18n/ckanext-myplugin.pot
output_dir = ckanext/myplugin/i18n
previous = true

domain = ckanext-myplugin
directory = ckanext/myplugin/i18n
statistics = true

Collecting strings & starting translating

Ok, now that everything is in place, try to see if everything works as expected:

python setup.py extract_messages

will extract all the strings in ckanext/myplugin/i18n/ckanext-myplugin.pot

python setup.py init_catalog -l it

will create a .po file for the Italian language, in ckanext/myplugin/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-myplugin.po

Then, you can start translating strings.

Once you're done, just run:

python setup.py compile_messages

in order to (re)build .mo files from the .pos.

Updating strings

In case you edit strings in your templates, just use this to keep up-to-date:

python setup.py extract_messages
python setup.py update_messages

then translate, and, of course, run compile_messages again.

Debugging problems with messages

It seems that babel simply ignores errors encountered while scanning for messages. This tends to hide some issues that lead to missing strings.

To figure out the issues, I used this:

extensions = [
env = Environment(extensions=extensions)
with open('/path/to/templates/blah/index.html', 'r') as f:
    template = f.read()
strings = env.extract_translations(template)

You can inspect strings to see if all the expected strings are there, and in case the extractor has troubles, an exception will be raised, allowing you to see what went wrong.


Translations for Taijiang Research Data Repository


Language:Makefile 100.0%