tag / assignment-docker-html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Using the same content you submitted for Individual HW#1 (not necessarily the same repository), update your pages to (1) run as a Docker container and (2) include sortable tables.

Link directly to the table page. Your submission URL should look something like: https://github.com/iu-msis/2-simple-docker-js-[username]/public/[table_file.html]

Which repository?

You can copy the Docker config files from this repo to your old repository, or copy your app folder from your previous repo into this one, making any improvements you need. (Yes, I know this isn't the best way to do version control.)

Make sure that you don't accidentally copy the .git folder over when moving files.

Choose either, but submit the link to the repo you use.

Folder structure

Use an app folder; put your public folder inside the app folder.

Make a Docker container, use it

Using the Docker config files in this repo, launch Docker and view your new web site. Practice this, as we'll be doing it often.

Using the command line

As a reminder, use cd (change directory) to navigate, and dir (Windows) / ls (everything else) to view directory listings.

Using Docker

When in your project directory on the command line, you can use docker-compose build to build this docker image.

After building, use docker-compose up from the project directory to run the container. (ctrl-C is one way to quit a running container.)

After running this image container, the web page should be visible at http://localhost:8080/

The provided file docker-compose.yml maps the container's port 80 (default web port) to the host machine's (your machine's) port 8080 with the ports command.

The volumes command in docker-compose.yml maps your repository folder app to the container's \srv\app\ folder. Changes made in one place will be made in the other. This means when you make changes to your HTML, CSS, or Javascript files that you won't have to rebuild your container.

Add a .dockerignore File

Read the following explanation of the .dockerignore file Create a .dockerignore file with at least the following. Be able to explain what each line does.


Enter your container

If you wish, you may enter your running container via the command line. First, you'll need to discover the hash of your container. docker ps lists all active containers. Copy the hash from your container, and replace it in the following command:

docker exec -it c0ee14f0c047 bash

The -it flag allows you to run an interactive bash session. bash is the name of the command line shell available in Docker images.

Once inside, you can ls and cd to poke around. Try to find your document root! (Hint: it's where we copied files to.) When finished, exit bash with the exit command.

Make the table sortable.

There are many public "sort table" scripts. For simplicity, I recommend using this one. I've uploaded a short video showing how to do this. ("03 Adding a sort table script.mp4") If you use this script, you'll need to give your table a unique ID.

A simple Javascript

Adding this script should be simple. Read the documentation of your chosen script for help.

You may use any table sort script on the web. Here are two to get your search started:

The ideal script "just works", perhaps with simply adding only a class to your table. The less we have to configure in our code to connect to the library, the better off we are.

No errors

Check the browser console before submitting to make sure you don't have any Javascript errors.

Sort with style

Add any necessary CSS to make the sorting look good. (e.g., up/down arrows on the column headers). How you do this will depend on which table sort script you use. Whatever solution you pick, there should be some changes to your CSS file.

Correct any errors

If you missed parts of HW#1, or receiving feedback telling you to change something, fix it now. Mention your change(s) in the submission comments on Canvas.


Submit to Canvas the GitHub URL that points directly to the table page in your repository. Link directly to the table page. It will help if you name that file table.html. (Remember you may need to fix your navbar links too.)



Language:HTML 53.5%Language:Dockerfile 46.5%