taesiri / SEED-Bench

A benchmark for evaluating Multimodal LLMs using multiple-choice questions.

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SEED-Bench: Benchmarking Multimodal LLMs with Generative Comprehension



SEED-Bench consists of 19K multiple-choice questions with accurate human annotations, covering 12 evaluation dimensions including both the spatial and temporal understanding.


[2023.9.9] We are actively looking for self-motivated interns. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested.

[2023.8.16] SEED-Bench Leaderboard is released! You can upload your model's results now.

[2023.7.30] SEED-Bench is released! Data and evaluation code is available now.


Welcome to SEED-Bench Leaderboard!

Leaderboard Submission

You can submit your model results in SEED-Bench Leaderboard now. You can use our evaluation code to obtain 'results.json' in 'results' folder as below.

python eval.py --model instruct_blip --anno_path SEED-Bench.json --output-dir results --task all

Then you can upload 'results.json' in SEED-Bench Leaderboard.

After submitting, please press refresh button to get the latest results.

Data Preparation

You can download the data of SEED-Bench released on HuggingFace repo SEED-Bench. Please refer to DATASET.md for image and video data preparation.


Please refer to INSTALL.md.

Run Evaluation

The evaluation metric is provided in eval.py. We use InstructBLIP as an example. To run the following evaluation code, please refer to repo for the environment preparation.

python eval.py --model instruct_blip --anno_path SEED-Bench.json --output-dir results --task all

After the evaluation is finished, you can obtain the accuracy of each evaluation dimension and also 'results.json' in 'results' folder, which can be submitted to SEED-Bench Leaderboard.

If you want to evaluate your own models, please provide the interface like instruct_blip_interface.py.

Note that to evaluate models with multiple-choice questions, we adopt the answer ranking strategy following GPT-3. Specifically, for each choice of a question, we compute the likelihood that a model generates the content of this choice given the question. We select the choice with the highest likelihood as model's prediction. Our evaluation strategy does not rely on the instruction-following capabilities of models to output 'A' or 'B' or 'C' or 'D'.


SEED-Bench is released under Apache License Version 2.0.


For the images of SEED-Bench, we use the data from Conceptual Captions Dataset (https://ai.google.com/research/ConceptualCaptions/) following its license (https://github.com/google-research-datasets/conceptual-captions/blob/master/LICENSE). Tencent does not hold the copyright for these images and the copyright belongs to the original owner of Conceptual Captions Dataset.

For the videos of SEED-Bench, we use tha data from Something-Something v2 (https://developer.qualcomm.com/software/ai-datasets/something-something), Epic-kitchen 100 (https://epic-kitchens.github.io/2023) and Breakfast (https://serre-lab.clps.brown.edu/resource/breakfast-actions-dataset/). We only provide the video name. Please download them in their official websites.


A benchmark for evaluating Multimodal LLMs using multiple-choice questions.



Language:Python 99.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 0.9%