tadrian / VismaNetTokenGenerator

Generate tokens for Visma.net and have it sent to you by email

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Visma.net token creator

Have Visma.net create a token for you and send it by email. This way you can send your clients a link and get a token with a list of context by email.

If you want to create a copy of this service you can fork this repository, create a new Azure Functions App and set it to deploy from Github. Set the Application Settings as described below.

Application settings

You'll have to set these application settings as soon as you've installed the app in Azure.

AppSetting Description
VismaNetClientId The client Id provided by Visma
VismaNetClientSecret The client secret provided by Visma
VismaNetCallbackUrl The url to https://[your-app-name].azurewebsites.net/api/callback
AzureWebJobsSendGridApiKey API key from Sendgrid.com (It's a free service for 12k emails a month)
SendGridFrom Who the email should be sent from
SendGridTo Who should receive the email
SendGridSubject Subject for the email


Generate tokens for Visma.net and have it sent to you by email

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%