tabsun / paperCrawler

This is a Scrapy-based web-spider. It scrapes papers from TOP conferences, including CVPR, NIPS, ICLR, etc...

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Paper Crawler for Top AI Conferences

This is a Scrapy-based crawler. A tutorial is at this url. The scraped information includes:

Conference, matched keywords, title, citation count, code url, pdf url, authors, abstract

The crawler scrapes accepted papers from top AI conferences, including:

  • CVPR and ICCV since 2013.
  • ECCV since 2018.
  • AAAI since 1980.
  • IJCAI since 2017.
  • NIPS since 1987.
  • ICML since 2017.
  • ICLR 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022.
    • pdf_url may not work for ICML and ICLR (2022) as the website does not provide the url.
  • ACM MM since 2001.
    • pdf url is not available, as the ACM is not open-access.
    • The download_delay is set to 3s to not being banned.

Change Log

  • 28-OCT-2022
    • Added a feature in which the target conferences can be specified in See Example 4.
  • 27-OCT-2022
    • Added the crawler for ACM Multimedia.
  • 20-OCT-2022
    • Fixed a bug that falsely locates the paper pdf url for NIPS.
  • 7-OCT-2022
    • Rewrote so that the crawler can run over all the conferences!
  • 6-OCT-2022
    • Removed the use of PorterStemmer() from nltk as it involves false negative when querying.


pip install scrapy semanticscholar fuzzywuzzy git+


It's a Scrapy project. Simply cd to PaperCrawler/crawlconf/ then call the spider. Some examples are provided below.

For single conference

scrapy crawl [conference name] -a years=[year1,year2,...,yearn] -a keys=[key1,key2,...,keyn] -a cc=[1 or 0] -o [output_filename.csv] -s JOBDIR=[checkpoint_folder]
  • conference name: cvpr, iccv, eccv, aaai, ijcai, nips, icml, iclr, mm. Must be lowercase.
  • year: Four-digit numbers, use comma to separate.
  • keys: The abstract must contain at least one of the keywords. Use comma to separate.
  • cc: Set to 1 to count the citations using SemanticScholar API.
  • output_filename: The output csv filename. The outputs will attach to previous file if two commands share the same output filename.
  • checkpoint_folder: The folder to store the spider state.
Example 1:
scrapy crawl iccv -a years=2021,2019,2017 -a keys=video,emotion -o output.csv

The command above can scrape the information of all papers from ICCV2017, ICCV2019, ICCV2021, with "video" OR "emotion" appeared in the abstracts. The results will be saved in output.csv. It won't count the citations and save the checkpoint. It scrapes really fast.

Example 2
scrapy crawl nips -a years=2020,2021,2022 -a keys=video,emotion -a cc=1 -o output.csv 

The command above works in the same manner, it also scrapes the number of citation for each paper. Note that the latter is done using the free SemanticScholar API. Currently, I use the paper title to query. Note that the API has a maximum request limit per second. Use this command with cautious, because it could be dramatically time-consuming. (Or skip the citation count and post-process the output.csv on your own.)

Example 3
scrapy crawl ijcai  -a years=2021,2020 -a keys=video -a cc=1 -o output.csv -s JOBDIR=folder1

The command above will save the scraping checkpoint in a folder named folder1. If the scraping process is interrupted by CTRL+C or other incidents, simply execute the same command so that the scraping can continue.

For multiple conferences:

python -confs [conf1,conf2,...,confn] -years [year1,year2,...,yearn] -keys [key1,key2,...,keyn] -cc 1
Example 4
python main -confs cvpr,iccv,eccv -years 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022 -keys emotion,multimodal,multi-modal -cc 1

The command would scrape the papers, whose abstracts contain at least one keys, from CVPR, ICCV, and ECCV since 2018. In this case, the scraped data will be saved in data.csv, which is defined in Note, specifycc to 0 and exclude mm from the confs can greatly speed-up the process.


This is a Scrapy-based web-spider. It scrapes papers from TOP conferences, including CVPR, NIPS, ICLR, etc...


Language:Python 100.0%