tabiul / spring-cloud-contract-testing

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Sample Spring Cloud Contract Testing

  • Details can be found here spring cloud contract
  • The same project is implemented using pact contract testing framework here. Refer to it for comparison

There are two flows

  • Producer defines the contract and then consumer creates tests that confirm to that contract

    • Step 1: Producer creates a contract
    • Step 2: Producer implement the controller and make the test pass
    • Step 3: Producer publish the contract somewhere (in this case artifactory or some other maven repository)
    • Step 4: Consumer import the contract
    • Step 5: Consumer writes to test to ensure the consumer adheres to the contract
    • Step 6: If consumer is not happy then the consumer can go back to producer and enhance the contract
  • A consumer defines the contract and producer implements the contract

    • Step 1: Consumer check out producer repo
    • Step 2: Consumer add the desired contract in producer repo
    • Step 3: Consumer generate contract (the test will fail as not implemented here)
    • Step 4: Consumer publish the contract (using mavenLocal most likely)
    • Step 5: Consumer import the contract in consumer repo
    • Step 6: Consumer writes test to ensure that contract matches what it expects
    • Step 7: Consumer creates a PR for producer repo
    • Step 8: Producer writes the necessary implementation to conform to the contract
    • Step 9: Producer publishes the contract somewhere (in this case artifactory or some other maven repository)
    • Step 10: Consumer consumes the now published contract and ensure that the test still passes


Producer expose an endpoint /book

Follow the below steps to add/modify contract

  • Navigate to folder test/resources/contract
  • Add a new folder for controller (one exists for book controller)
  • Use Groovy Contract Dsl to add new contract (see the book folder on how to create one)
  • Add a new base class if required to match the new contract (this would be required if you add a new controller or the existing controller needs some other test setup)
  • Update build.gradle section below to add new baseClass mapping
contracts {
    baseClassMappings {
        baseClassMapping(".*book", "com.tabiul.producer.BookContractBase")
  • Run the test ./gradlew :producer:test.
    • If you do not want to run the test but just generate the contract then do ./gradlew :producer:generateContractTests. This is useful if you want the contract be consumer driven rather than producer driven
  • Publish the contract to local maven via ./gradlew :producer:publishToMavenLocal


  • Add desired test case that interact with the producer
  • Import the stub generated by the producer via @AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = ["contract-testing:producer:+:stubs:8081"], stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.LOCAL)
    • stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.LOCAL becomes REMOTE when the stubs are located in some external maven repository like artifactory
  • Run test ./gradlew :consumer:test



Language:Kotlin 83.8%Language:Groovy 16.2%