taagdev / northwind

Database agnostic DB Script to create Northwind Data Model with some sample data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic SQL equivalent of Northwind schema

The Northwind database from Microsoft has a nice and simple schema that deals with with customers, orders, inventory, purchasing, suppliers, shipping, employees, and single-entry accounting.
This project is an attempt to create database agnostic srcript so that it can be reused in various other databases

Naming Convention used

  • Field names are in snake_case instead of CamelCase.
    • To facilitate some ORM frameworks (Hibernate/Spring Data) which uses field names to generate Java method names
    • Some databases and OS combination ignore case in field names therefore CamelCase dont make much sense
  • primary keys named id.
  • foreign keys constrained named as fk_table_name__reference_table_name.
  • All the column data types are valid with most databases

Two Datasets

  • Northwind Small (Few tables more data in each tables)
  • Northwind Extended (More Tables, More references, Less data per table)


  • Northwind Small

    • schema.sql - DDL Statements (Table creation & Foreign Key definations)
    • data.sql - Insert statements to populate with sample data
  • Northwind Extended

    • schema_extended.sql - DDL Statements (Table creation & Foreign Key definations)
    • data_extended.sql - Insert statements to populate with sample data
  • NorthwindModel_MySQLWorkbench.mwb - This File can be opened with MySQLWorkbench, you may use it to generate schema script or model diagram

Schema Diagram

Northwind Small

Northwind Schema

Northwind Extended

Northwind Schema


Database agnostic DB Script to create Northwind Data Model with some sample data