t04glovern / aws-credential-manager

GUI App for managing AWS Credentials - more useful as a demo of developing Tauri in a Devcontainer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A demo Tauri + React + Typescript app!


Recommended IDE Setup

Generate Icons

# Install dependencies
pip3 install pillow==10.2.0 icnsutil==1.1.0

# Ensure you have a high resolution icon.png
./iconize.py --icon src-tauri/icons/icon.png --output src-tauri/icons

Generate Signing Key

npm run tauri signer generate -- -w aws-credential-manager.key

Add the contents of ~/.tauri/aws-credential-manager.key.pub to your tauri.conf.json:

  "updater": {
    "active": true,
    "endpoints": [
    "dialog": true,
    "pubkey": "<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>"

IMPORTANT: Add the contents of aws-credential-manager.key a ENV variable in GitHub Secrets called TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY.


cargo install cargo-tarpaulin
cd src-tauri

# Tests
cargo test

# Test with Coverage
cargo tarpaulin --out Xml


NOTE: It is highly recommend, and more or less required for you to run wslg X Server on Windows: https://github.com/microsoft/wslg. This repository is setup to use export DISPLAY=:0 so that you can view the app when working in a devcontainer.

Press F5 to start the app in development mode.

Alternatively, run the following commands:

npm run tauri dev

If you want to develop the React app separately, run the following commands:

npm run dev
# open http://localhost:1420/


# Load in TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY for signing
source env.sh

# Build the app
npm run tauri build


GUI App for managing AWS Credentials - more useful as a demo of developing Tauri in a Devcontainer.


Language:Rust 49.3%Language:TypeScript 30.6%Language:Python 11.8%Language:Dockerfile 3.4%Language:JavaScript 2.1%Language:HTML 1.4%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:CSS 0.2%