t00 / Dapper.SqlGenerator

Database agnostic SQL code generation for Dapper without POCO attributes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Database agnostic SQL code generation for Dapper without POCO attributes and Entity Framework Core compatible schema definition.

Usage and examples


Dapper database agnostic async SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE queries and a file or resource database migration tool

Usage and examples

Dapper.SqlGenerator Quick Start

Create model from db:

dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDb;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models

Use the model above:


Available functions:

using Dapper.SqlGenerator;

string insertSql = connection.Sql().Insert<Product>();
string insertAndReturnSql = connection.Sql().InsertReturn<Product>();
string updateSql = connection.Sql().Update<Product>();
string deleteSql = connection.Sql().Delete<Product>();
string tableName = connection.Sql().Table<Order>();
string commaSeparatedNonKeyColumns = connection.Sql().GetColumns<Order>(ColumnSelection.NonKeys | ColumnSelection.Computed);
string keysAtQueryParams = connection.Sql().GetParams<Order>(ColumnSelection.Keys);
string columnEqualParams = connection.Sql().GetColumnEqualParams<Order>(ColumnSelection.NonKeys);

connection.Sql().HasColumnSet("unique_order", x => x.OrderId, x => x.ProductId);
string upsertMergeSql = connection.Sql().Merge<Order>("unique_order");

Dapper.SqlGenerator.Async Quick Start


using Dapper.SqlGenerator;
using Dapper.SqlGenerator.Async;

connection.Sql().HasColumnSet<Product>("id+kind+content", x => x.Id, x => x.Kind, x => x.Content);

var all = await connection.SelectAsync<Product>();
var allWithSomeColumns = await connection.SelectAsync<Product>("id+kind+content");
var filtered = await connection.SelectWhereAsync<Product>("WHERE Kind > 5");
var firstWithSomeColumns = await connection.SelectFirstAsync<Product>(new { Id = 1 }, "id+kind+content");
var fisrtOrNull = connection.SelectFirstOrDefaultAsync<Product>(new { Id = -1 });
var single =  = await connection.SelectSingleAsync<Product>(new { Id = 1 });
var singleOrNull =  = await connection.SelectSingleOrDefaultAsync<Product>(new { Id = 1 });

var rows1 = await connection.InsertAsync(new Product { Kind = 4, Content = "Square" });
var inserted1 = await connection.InsertReturnAsync(new Product { Kind = 7, Content = "Triangle" });
var rows2 = await connection.UpdateAsync(new Product { Id = 1, Kind = 66, Content = "Modified" });
var deleted = await connection.DeleteAsync(new Product { Id = 2 });

connection.Sql().HasColumnSet<Product>("content", x => x.Content);
var insertedOrUpdated = await connection.MergeAsync(new Product { Kind = 7, Content = "Triangle", Value = 123 }, "content", "id+kind+content");

Database migration from scripts embedded as resources in MigrationResources namespace, for Sqlite:

using Dapper.SqlGenerator.Async.Migration;

var connectionString = "Data Source=:memory:";
await using var connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString);

var namespaceName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + ".MigrationResources";
var noMigrationsApplied = await connection.InitDatabase(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), namespaceName);


Database agnostic SQL code generation for Dapper without POCO attributes

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 100.0%