szmarczak / RestartOnSave

A homemade version of Nodemon to restart server ( or any long running software ) on change in program file or given directory with posibility to ignore files in it.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RestartOnSave - simple app which restarts our program on save

A homemade version of Nodemon to restart long running node software on change in program file or given directory with posibility to ignore files in it. Made using :

  • Node.js

Table of contents

General info

This app is simple automatic restart on files change program.


This project functionality was inspired by Nodemon tool.


To run this project, do the following steps: *download repository files

$ cd ../downloadLocation
$ npm install
$ node app.js param1 param2


  • param1 is your node app specific localisation which u want to run
  • param2 is your node app directory where u want to check for file changes

By default:

  • u can use only one parameter (param1) to restart it on changes.
  • using directory will ignore directories with names [".idea","node_modules","public"] to change use Ignore files (#ignore files)

Ignore files

To add ignored directories go to /src and change ignorePaths.json file and add dir name as below.

"[\"node_modules\",\"public\",\".idea\",\"filename\" ]"


A homemade version of Nodemon to restart server ( or any long running software ) on change in program file or given directory with posibility to ignore files in it.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%