szliuyujie / opendlp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

0. Table of Contents
1.  Overview
2.  Requirements
3.  SSL Certificate Setup
4.  Apache Configuration
5.  MySQL Configuration
6.  Web Application Configuration
7.  Perl Configuration
8.  Web Server Operating System Configuration
9.  Browser Configuration
10. Metasploit Configuration
11. Upgrading from version 0.1 to version 0.2
12. Upgrading from version 0.2.3 to version 0.2.4
13. Upgrading from version 0.2.4 to version 0.2.5
14. Upgrading from version 0.2.5 to version 0.2.6
15. Upgrading from version 0.2.6 to version 0.3
16. Upgrading from version 0.3 to version 0.3.1
17. Upgrading from version 0.3.2 to version 0.4
18. Upgrading from version 0.4.4 to version 0.5

1. Overview
OpenDLP is a free and open source, agent-based, centrally-managed, massively
distributable data loss prevention tool released under the GPL. OpenDLP can
identify sensitive data at rest on thousands of systems simultaneously. OpenDLP
has two components:

Web Application
- Automatically deploy and start agents over Netbios
- When done, automatically stop, uninstall, and delete agents over Netbios
- Pause, resume, and forcefully uninstall agents in an entire scan or on
  individual systems
- Concurrently and securely receive results from hundreds or thousands of
  deployed agents
- Create Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs) for finding sensitive data
  at rest
- Create reusable profiles for scans that include whitelisting or blacklisting
  directories and file extensions
- Review findings and identify false positives
- Export results as XML
- Writen in Perl with MySQL backend

- Runs on Windows 2000 and later systems
- Written in C with no .NET Framework requirements
- Runs as a Windows Service at low priority so users do not see or feel it
- Resumes automatically upon system reboot with no user interaction
- Securely transmit results to web application at user-defined intervals over
  two-way-trusted SSL connection
- Uses PCREs to identify sensitive data inside files
- Performs additional checks on potential credit card numbers to reduce false
- Can read inside ZIP files, including Office 2007 and OpenOffice files
- Limits itself to a percent of physical memory so there is no thrashing when
  processing large files
- Can be used with existing Meterpreter sessions

In addition to performing data discovery on Windows operating systems, OpenDLP
also supports performing agentless data discovery against the following
- Microsoft SQL server

For Microsoft SQL server, OpenDLP supports authenticating either with SQL server
credentials (the "sa" account, for example) or with Windows OS (domain)

Agentless File System and File Share Scans
With OpenDLP 0.4, one can perform the following scans:
- Agentless Windows file system scan (over SMB)
- Agentless Windows share scan (over SMB)
- Agentless UNIX file system scan (over SSH using sshfs)

OpenDLP is copyright Andrew Gavin ( 2009-2012.

2. Requirements
- Apache 2.x (tested with 2.2.10)
- MySQL (tested with 5.0.70)
- Samba (tested with 3.0.33)
- winexe ( somewhere in $PATH
  Note: If you want pass-the-hash (PTH) support (added in OpenDLP 0.2.6), you
  must patch winexe so it supports PTH. Patch is here:
- Perl (tested with 5.8.8)
- Additional Perl modules (see under "Perl Configuration")
- 32-bit "sc.exe" from a Windows 2000/XP system (not Vista/7)
- FreeTDS
  Note: Additional OS requirements might be necessary. Ubuntu users, you might
  have to do this step first before FreeTDS works:
  apt-get install tdsodbc
- For agentless scans, an "unzip" binary somewhere in $PATH.
- Meterpreter support requires a working Metasploit installation

3. SSL Certificate Setup
# taken from
# Create an RSA server key
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024

# Remove the passphrase
openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key

# Create a self-signed X509 certificate. O, OU, CN must be same as CA stuff
openssl req -new -key server.key -x509 -out server.crt -days 1825

# Setup a new CA. O, OU, CN must be same as server keys
/etc/ssl/misc/ -newca
Ubuntu: /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca

# Create a client key
openssl genrsa -out client.key 1024

# Create a certificate request. O must be same. OU and CN must be different!
openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr

# Sign the certificate request.
openssl ca -in client.csr -cert server.crt -keyfile server.key -out client.crt -days 9999

# Create PKCS12 file. Distribute this to other OpenDLP admins for use in their
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client.p12

# Remove password, convert to pkcs12 to PEM
# client.pem is distributed to systems
openssl pkcs12 -in client.p12 -out client.pem -nodes

# convert server.crt/server.key to server.p12
openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key -out server.p12

# Remove password, convert to pkcs12 to PEM
# server.pem is distributed to systems
openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -out server.pem -nodes

# Copy client.pem and server.pem to the web server at:
# /var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/bin

4. Apache Configuration
Add the following to your Apache configuration file. You will want to create an
htaccess user to protect the contents of this application.

Alias /OpenDLP/images/ /var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/images/
<Directory "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/images/">
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        order allow,deny
        allow from all
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "OpenDLP"
        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.dlp.user
        Require user dlpuser
ScriptAlias /OpenDLP/ /var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/
<Directory "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/results/">
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        order allow,deny
        allow from all
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "OpenDLP"
        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.dlp.agent
        Require user ddt
<Directory "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/">
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        order allow,deny
        allow from all
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "OpenDLP"
        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.dlp.user
        Require user dlpuser

Also add this stuff to the Apache config file:
# taken from
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/server.key
SSLCACertificateFile /path/to/server.crt

Modify your /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/00_default_ssl_vhost.conf file so that it
points to the correct "crt" and "key" files.

- Recursively put OpenDLP's "OpenDLP/web/bin/" files into
- Put OpenDLP's "OpenDLP/web/etc/" files into
- Put OpenDLP's "OpenDLP/bin/" files into "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/bin/".
- Put OpenDLP's "OpenDLP/perl_modules" files into "/usr/lib/perl5" (or somewhere
  else visible to Perl in its path "@INC")

Run "htpasswd" or "htpasswd2" to create the files:
- /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.dlp.user
- /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.dlp.agent
".htpasswd.dlp.agent" will be used when you create policies. This will be your
  username and password for the "phonehomeuser" and "phonehomepassword" options.
".htpasswd.dlp.user" will be used for you to authenticate to the web

5. MySQL Configuration
You must create OpenDLP's database and table structures with the following

1.  Authenticate to MySQL as your root user.
3.  mysql> USE OpenDLP;
4.  mysql> CREATE TABLE profiles (profile VARCHAR(64), username VARCHAR(128),\
    password VARCHAR(255), domain VARCHAR(255), exts TEXT, ignore_exts \
    VARCHAR(10), dirs TEXT, ignore_dirs VARCHAR(10), regex TEXT, path TINYTEXT,\
    phonehomeurl VARCHAR(255), phonehomeuser VARCHAR(32), phonehomepass \
    VARCHAR(32), delaytime SMALLINT UNSIGNED, description VARCHAR(128), \
    primary key (number), concurrent SMALLINT UNSIGNED, creditcards TEXT, \
    zipfiles TEXT, memory FLOAT, mask BOOL, hash VARCHAR(65), ignore_dbs \
    VARCHAR(10), dbs TEXT, ignore_tables VARCHAR(10), tables TEXT, \
    ignore_columns VARCHAR(10), columns TEXT, rows BIGINT, scantype \
    VARCHAR(20), metaport bigint(20) unsigned, metalatency bigint(20) unsigned,\
    metauser varchar(65), metapass varchar(65), metapath varchar(255), \
    metatimeout int(11), metassl tinyint(1));
5.  mysql> CREATE TABLE systems (scan VARCHAR(64), system VARCHAR(255), domain\
    VARCHAR(255), ip VARCHAR(40), filestotal INT, filesdone INT, bytestotal\
    BIGINT, bytesdone BIGINT, status VARCHAR(10), updated VARCHAR(12), \
    tracker VARCHAR(32), profile VARCHAR(64), control VARCHAR(16), pid \
    SMALLINT UNSIGNED, dbtotal INT, dbdone INT, tabletotal INT, tabledone INT, \
    columntotal INT, columndone INT, scantype VARCHAR(20), sessionid \
6.  mysql> CREATE TABLE results (scan VARCHAR(64), system VARCHAR(64), domain \
    VARCHAR(255), type VARCHAR(64), pattern VARCHAR(255), file VARCHAR(8096),\
    offset BIGINT UNSIGNED, md5 VARCHAR(32), tracker VARCHAR(32), number \
    BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, primary key (number), is_false \
    TINYINT, db VARCHAR(256), tbl VARCHAR(256), col VARCHAR(256), row BIGINT \
7.  mysql> CREATE TABLE regexes (name VARCHAR(64), pattern TEXT, number \
8.  mysql> CREATE TABLE falsepositives (scan VARCHAR(64), tracker VARCHAR(32), \
    domain VARCHAR(255), type VARCHAR(64), file VARCHAR(8096), offset BIGINT \
    UNSIGNED, md5 VARCHAR(32));
9.  mysql> CREATE TABLE logs (tracker VARCHAR(32), line INT UNSIGNED, data \
    VARCHAR(255), updated VARCHAR(18), scan VARCHAR(64), profile VARCHAR(64));
10. mysql> create table agentless (tracker varchar(32), scan varchar(64), file \
11. mysql> create table agentless_zip (tracker varchar(32), scan varchar(64), \
    unzipdir varchar(64));
12. mysql> create table agentless_mount (tracker varchar(32), scan varchar(64),\
    mountdir varchar(64));

Populate the database with some default regexes. The credit card regex names are
hardcoded into the client, so use these same names in the database. The client
does mod10 checks on matches (to cut down on false positives) and needs to know
that the following regexes are credit cards.

1. mysql> load data infile \
  '/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/etc/default_regexes' into table regexes \
  fields terminated by ':';

WARNING: This file contains a social security number regex,
"Social_Security_Number", that could lead to a high rate of false positives if
you use it during a Windows filesystem scan. It is recommended to only use this
regex during database scans.

You will need to create a MySQL user for OpenDLP. Replace "OpenDLP" and
"password" with whatever you like. Keep in mind that OpenDLP's tables will
likely contain sensitive information, so use strong authentication
credentials. These credentials are not distributed with the agent to Windows
systems, they are only kept on the web server.

1. mysql> create user 'OpenDLP'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
2. mysql> grant all privileges on OpenDLP.* to 'OpenDLP'@'localhost';

6. Web Application Configuration
1. Edit "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/etc/db_admin" so it contains the MySQL
   authentication credentials delimited by a colon.  Example:
2. Copy a 32-bit Microsoft Windows 2000/XP "sc.exe" to
   "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/bin/". OpenDLP uses this to install the agent as
   a Windows service on Windows systems. It cannot be distributed with OpenDLP
   because of licensing issues. "sc.exe" is freely available from Microsoft, so
   use The Google to find it.
3. Copy the two EXE and three PL files in "OpenDLP/bin" to

7. Perl Configuration
OpenDLP requires the following modules:
1.  CGI
2.  DBI
3.  Filesys::SmbClient
4.  Proc::Queue
5.  XML::Writer
6.  MIME::Base64
7.  DBD::Sybase (this link is helpful:
8.  Algorithm::LUHN
9.  Time::HiRes
10. Digest::MD5
11. File::Path
12. Archive::Extract
13. Archive::Zip
14. Data::MessagePack (might also install ExtUtils::MakeMaker and

8. Web Server Operating System Configuration
1. Copy "winexe" so it is somewhere in Apache's $PATH. "/usr/bin" is a good
2. For UNIX agentless scans, install the "sshfs" package.
   Ubuntu users: apt-get install sshfs
3. For UNIX agentless scans, add "opendlp" and the web server user ("www-data"
   on Ubuntu, "apache" on other distros) to the "fuse" group.
   A. Ubuntu users: sudo gpasswd -a opendlp fuse
                    sudo gpasswd -a www-data fuse
   B. Other distros: Just edit the file "/etc/group"
4. Optional: You may want to put the MySQL tables on a Truecrypt volume. This
   is out of scope for this tool, but documentation is available on Truecrypt's
   website on how to configure this.

9. Browser Configuration
1. Firefox
	A. Go to Firefox's preferences
	B. Go to the "Advanced" tab
	C. Go to the "Encryption" sub-tab
	D. Click the "View Certificates" button
	E. In the "Certificate Manager" window, go to the "Your Certificates"
	F. Click the "Import..." button
	G. Find the "client.p12" file and import it

10. Metasploit Configuration and Basic Guidance
1. Configuration
   Copy "OpenDLP/metasploit_modules/opendlp.rb" to your Metasploit system's
   Metasploit directory "msf3/modules/post/windows/gather" (Backtrack 5 users:
   This directory is "/opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/post/windows/gather")

2. Basic Guidance (this has been tested on Metasploit 4.4.0-dev)
	A. On your Metasploit box, start msfrpcd:
           msfrpcd -S -a non-loopback_address -P a_password -U a_username -f
		1) It is important to specify a non-loopback address so OpenDLP
                   can connect to it.
		2) By default, msfrpcd uses loopback, which will not work.
	B. On your Metasploit box, start msfgui
	C. Inside msfgui, go to the menu "File" -> "Connect to msfrpcd"
	D. Populate username, password, host, and port; click "Connect"
	E. Exploit a Windows box. The following is a basic example:
		1) Go to the menu "Exploits" -> "windows" -> "smb" -> "psexec"
		2) A new window will display titled "Microsoft Windows
		   Authenticated User Code Execution"
		3) Select the "Automatic" target radio button
		4) Select the "windows" -> "meterpreter" -> "reverse_tcp"
		   payload (it is required to use a "meterpreter" payload for
		   OpenDLP to work)
		5) Populate the "RHOST", "SMBUser", "SMBPass", and "SMBDomain"
		6) Click "Run Exploit" directly below the "RHOST" field
	F. One-time only: Copy the file
	   "OpenDLP/metasploit_modules/opendlp.rb" to your Metasploit box. It
	   should go in Metasploit's directory
	   (Backtrack 5 users: This directory is
	G. In your OpenDLP web browser, create a new profile for "Metasploit
	   (agent) - Meterpreter deployment"
		1) Populate the "Profile Name", "Metasploit Host",
		   "Metasploit Port", "Metasploit User", "Metasploit Password",
		   and "Path to OpenDLP files"
		2) Populate the remainder of the profile's information (Note:
		   The fields "Username" and "Password" should be left blank)
		3) Submit the profile
	H. In your OpenDLP browser, go to "Scans" -> "Start New Scan"
		1) Populate a unique scan name
		2) Select the newly-created Metasploit profile from the
		   "Profile" drop-down
		3) Click "Get Sessions"
		4) A table of sessions will display. Select as many checkboxes
		   as needed to launch the scans.
		5) Click "Start Scan"
			a) Be careful to not launch scans more than once per IP
			b) Scan deployment may take 30 or more seconds as
			   OpenDLP talks to Metasploit and as Metasploit talks
			   to the victim Windows systems.
	J. If you have any problems with this, reference the following URL that
	   discusses how to use the Metasploit Framework XMLRPC API:
	K. More Guidance
		1) Meterpreter deployment: Requires standard deployment files
		   (opendlpz.exe, client.pem, server.pem) plus strfile.exe and
		   sc.exe. Caveats:  Concurrent access to meterpreter sessions
		   will cause deployment failure.   Files cannot be downloaded
		   to local machine, they must be downloaded to metasploit box.
		2) Post module deployment: Concurrent access to meterpreter
		   sessions works fine. Requires post module installed in
		   metasploit, as well as standard deployment files. It does not
		   however require strfile.exe or sc.exe.

11. Upgrading from version 0.1 to version 0.2

Run these two commands to create two new columns in the "profiles" table:

mysql> alter table profiles add column creditcards text;
mysql> alter table profiles add column zipfiles text;

In your Apache configuration file, put this block BEFORE the "ScriptAlias" for
the OpenDLP web executable Perl scripts.

Alias /OpenDLP/images/ /var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/images/
<Directory "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/web/bin/images/">
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        order allow,deny
        allow from all
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "OpenDLP"
        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.dlp.user
        Require user dlpuser

12. Upgrading from version 0.2.3 to version 0.2.4

Run this command to create a new column in the "profiles" table:

mysql> alter table profiles add column memory float;

13. Upgrading from version 0.2.4 to version 0.2.5

Run this command to create a new column in the "profiles" table:

mysql> alter table profiles add column mask bool;

14. Upgrading from version 0.2.5 to version 0.2.6

The 0.2.6 release integrates a patch made by @steponequit ("someLuser" at and This patch allows OpenDLP
to use the "passing the hash" technique described here:

Two changes must be made to OpenDLP: One to the database and one to the "winexe"

Run this command to create a new column in the "profiles" table:

mysql> alter table profiles add column hash varchar(65);

Integrate the following patch into "winexe" and rebuild it:

15. Upgrading from version 0.2.6 to version 0.3

Run this command to create new columns in the "profiles" table:

mysql> alter table profiles add column ignore_dbs VARCHAR(10);
mysql> alter table profiles add column dbs TEXT;
mysql> alter table profiles add column ignore_tables VARCHAR(10);
mysql> alter table profiles add column tables TEXT;
mysql> alter table profiles add column ignore_columns VARCHAR(10);
mysql> alter table profiles add column columns TEXT;
mysql> alter table profiles add column rows BIGINT;
mysql> alter table profiles add column scantype VARCHAR(20);

mysql> alter table systems add column pid smallint unsigned;
mysql> alter table systems add column dbtotal int;
mysql> alter table systems add column dbdone int;
mysql> alter table systems add column tabletotal int;
mysql> alter table systems add column tabledone int;
mysql> alter table systems add column columntotal int;
mysql> alter table systems add column columndone int;
mysql> alter table systems add column scantype VARCHAR(20);

mysql> alter table results add column db varchar(256);
mysql> alter table results add column tbl varchar(256);
mysql> alter table results add column col varchar(256);
mysql> alter table results add column row bigint unsigned;

Regular Expressions:
You can also create a regular expression for social security numbers that is
not delimited by any characters, such as the following:


However, be careful to only use this during database scans. If you use this
with OS filesystem scans, you will have a very high rate of false positives.

Install the following CPAN module: Algorithm::LUHN

Operating system:
If you want to scan Microsoft SQL server databases, you must install the
"FreeTDS" driver:
Note: Additional OS requirements might be necessary. Ubuntu users, you might
have to do this step first before FreeTDS works:
> apt-get install tdsodbc

16. Upgrading from version 0.3 to version 0.3.1

Run this command to alter the "updated" column:

mysql> alter table logs change updated updated varchar(18);

Install module Time::HiRes

17. Upgrading from version 0.3.2 to version 0.4

Run this command to create the "agentless" column:

mysql> create table agentless (tracker varchar(32), scan varchar(64), file \ 
mysql> create table agentless_zip (tracker varchar(32), scan varchar(64), \
       unzipdir varchar(64));
mysql> create table agentless_mount (tracker varchar(32), scan varchar(64), \
       mountdir varchar(64));

1. Install module Digest::MD5
2. Install module File::Path
3. Install module Archive::Extract
4. Install module Archive::Zip

Operating System:
1. For UNIX agentless scans, install "sshfs" package (might require also
   installing "fuse" package).
   Ubuntu users: apt-get install sshfs
2. For UNIX agentless scans, add "opendlp" and the web server user ("www-data"
   on Ubuntu, "apache" on other distros) to the "fuse" group.
   A. Ubuntu users: sudo gpasswd -a opendlp fuse
                    sudo gpasswd -a www-data fuse
   B. Other distros: Just edit the file "/etc/group"

18. Upgrading from version 0.4.4 to version 0.5
1. Copy the new web application files in "OpenDLP/web/bin" to
2. Copy "OpenDLP/web/etc/version" to
3. Copy the five PL and two EXE files in "OpenDLP/bin" to
   "/var/www/localhost/OpenDLP/bin". These include the new files:
   A. StrFile.exe
4. Copy the three Perl modules in "OpenDLP/perl_modules" to "/usr/local/perl5"
   (or somewhere else visible to Perl in its path "@INC")
5. Run these commands inside MySQL to update the tables. Be sure to do these in
   the order listed:
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metahost varchar(255);
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metaport bigint(20) unsigned;
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metalatency bigint(20) unsigned;
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metauser varchar(65);
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metapass varchar(65);
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metapath varchar(255);
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metatimeout int(11);
   mysql> alter table profiles add column metassl tinyint(1);
   mysql> alter table systems add column sessionid varchar(65);
6. Install Perl module Data::MessagePack
7. Copy "OpenDLP/metasploit_modules/opendlp.rb" to your Metasploit system's
   Metasploit directory "msf3/modules/post/windows/gather" (Backtrack 5 users:
   This directory is "/opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/post/windows/gather")


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Perl 84.3%Language:C 13.1%Language:Ruby 1.9%Language:C++ 0.6%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Python 0.0%