syslao / app

Our Rails app

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Codeship Status for scrollytelling/app

Getting started

You need Ruby, version is listed in .ruby-version. Use rbenv or RVM to install it. You also need MySQL, Redis and ImageMagick. On a mac, use Homebrew to install them all.

After installing Ruby and doing gem install bundler you can switch to the project root directory and install the required software, and set up the database.

bin/rake db:setup

Then start the server with bin/rails s.

Background jobs

Remember you need to run background jobs to process uploads. See Procfile.

Environment variables

Make sure to create config/application.yml and set the ENV variables.

Deploying a new theme

Register it:

# config/initializers/pageflow.rb
Pageflow.configure do

In app/assets/stylesheets/pageflow/themes, copy default.scss to newtheme.scss and modify at will.

Images to be placed:


Place fonts in app/assets/fonts/pageflow/themes/newtheme. Only use .woff and maybe .woff2—these formats are implemented in all browsers. Other formats are just pollution.

Deploying new analytics

Add the new account to the list in config/initializers/pageflow.rb. This will register it for the account only.

Create a new directory in app/views/widgets/analytics and place two partials in it: one for the header and one for the body. Most files must be present, but can be empty.

Generating Google Analytics tracking code

Use isogram to generate a customized tracking code!

npm install -g isogram
isogram scrolLy --id XXXXXXX-XX | pbcopy

will put this code in your clipboard:

(s[r].q=s[r].q||[]).push(arguments)});s[r].l=+new Date;L=c.createElement(o);

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXX-XX', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

Replace XXXXXXX-XX with the ID given to you by the client. This code goes into the body partial. As you can see, it's far superior to the standard one from Google.


Add the widget translations to en.yml and any other localization file you have active.

Change the asset version, because the widget names are cached in the front-end and this cache needs to expire.

Deploy and enable

Then deploy the code and enable the widget in the corresponding account, and the code in the corresponding theming (edit account). After that, all new stories will have this widget enabled. For previous stories, you need to add the widget manually.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Our Rails app


Language:Ruby 62.8%Language:CSS 23.8%Language:HTML 9.8%Language:JavaScript 2.1%Language:Gherkin 1.0%Language:Nginx 0.4%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:CoffeeScript 0.0%