syseleven / gateway-api-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gateway API Demo


  • Install cert-manager helm chart (optional)

  • Install external dns helm chart (optional)

  • Kubernetes or Cloud provider Load Balancer Service

  • Clone this repo

git clone
  • Install Gateway API CRDs
kubectl apply -f
  • Install the cilium helm chart. This is the minimum configuration. You can also use the cilium values file in this repo (optional)
helm upgrade cilium cilium/cilium \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --reuse-values \
    --set kubeProxyReplacement=true \
    --set gatewayAPI.enabled=true
  • Install the Cert-Manager helm chart (optional). Make sure to create an issuer or a clusterissuer after the installation. Cert-Manager Docs
helm upgrade --install cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace -f cert-manager-helm/cert-manager-values.yaml jetstack/cert-manager
  • Install the External DNS helm chart (optional). Make sure to configure your DNS API key in the external-dns-values.yaml first. External-DNS Docs
helm upgrade --install external-dns --namespace external-dns  --create-namespace -f external-dns/external-dns-values.yaml bitnami/external-dns
  • Install the Gateway API controller. Remove the HTTPS section if you are only using HTTP routes. Change the domain, certificate and clusterissuer if you are using HTTPS. You will need a Load Balancer Service for this to succeed
kubectl create -f gateway-api/gateway.yaml
  • Wait for the Load Balancer IP to be ready
  • Create the demo web app v1
kubectl create -f webapp/webapp-v1.deploy.yaml
  • Create an HTTP route. Change the domain name first.
kubectl create -f gateway-api/http-route.yaml
  • Test if the route is working. If you are using external dns wait a few minutes for the domain name to get added to the dns server
  • Update the HTTP route with a redirect and a HTTPS route
kubectl apply -f gateway-api/https-redirect.yaml
  • Add the second demo web app v2
kubectl create -f webapp/webapp-v2.deploy.yaml
  • Add a second service and traffic spliting to the existing routes
kubectl apply -f gateway-api/https-redirect-split.yaml
  • Test both web apps and ensure that the traffic spliting is working (green / red app)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0