sysbender / js-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • version control

  • CI CD

  • quality

  • tooling

  • module support

  • document

  • demo


  • install,
    • clean install - npm ci
    • security audit - npm audit -
  • lint,
    • linter - eslint , stylelint
    • formatter - prettier
  • test,
    • test suite - jest, mocha, ava
    • code coverage - myc, codecov, coveralls
  • build,
    • transpile - babel, typescript, flow
    • pre-process - sass, less, postcss (compile, auto-prefix)
    • uglify - uglify-js, terser, (minify, mingle, optimize)
    • bundle - webpack, rollup, parcel (concat, tree-shake)
    • compress - gzip
    • other
      • copy, delete, move files
      • check bundle size
      • strip unused code ( ts, flow, proptyes in react)
  • push,
    • release - github, bitbucket, gitlab
    • publish - npm , other registry
  • deploy
    • host - heroku, surge, github-pages

task execution

  • CLI - npm
  • task runner - old
    • grunt, gulp, brunch

eslint, prettier, editorConfig

npm i -D eslint
npx eslint --init
npx eslint src/*.js
npx eslint src/*.js --fix

npm i -D prettier-eslint
npm i -D prettier-eslint-cli

npx prettier-eslint 'src/**/*.js' --write

pre-commit with Husky & lint-staged

5 rollup with CJS ESM UMD

  • bundle.cjs.js
  • bundle.esm.js
  • bundle.umd.js
npm i -D rollup-plugin-node-resolve

npx rollup src/index.js --file dist/bundle.js --format cjs

npx rollup -c

rimraf - for deleting a directory

npm i -D rimraf


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%