Syns Platform (syns-platform)

Syns Platform


Geek Repo

Location:United States of America

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Syns Platform's repositories


🔥 Syns Platform - an unparalleled Web 3.0 platform that revolutionizes the way musicians and artists forge meaningful connections with their loyal fans. Unlock new revenue streams by receiving generous donations or monetizing your music as exclusive NFTs. Experience creative freedom and empower your passion like never before!



✨Syns/Contracts - A suite of smart contracts, written in Solidity, that are deployed on the Polygon network. This collection of smart contracts serves as the backbone for the platform's decentralized functionality and enables secure, transparent, and immutable transactions.


🔥 Syns Platform - an unparalleled Web 3.0 platform that revolutionizes the way musicians and artists forge meaningful connections with their loyal fans. Unlock new revenue streams by receiving generous donations or monetizing your music as exclusive NFTs. Experience creative freedom and empower your passion like never before!
