sydmeeran / wordpress-workflow-gulp

A complete WordPress workflow using gulp and automation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Basic Project Structure

|-- app
		|-- assets
				|-- pug
						|-- layouts
								|-- default.pug
						|-- mixins
						|-- partials
								|-- _meta.pug
								|-- _styles.pug
								|-- _no-script.pug
								|-- _navbar.pug
								|-- _footer.pug
								|-- _scripts.pug
						|-- index.pug
				|-- scripts
						|-- libs
								|-- bootstrap.min.js
								|-- jquery.min.js
								|-- owl.carousel.min.js
								|-- popper.min.js
						|-- app.js
				|-- styles
						|-- base
								|-- _globals.scss
								|-- _mixins.scss
								|-- _styles-reset.scss
								|-- _vars.scss
						|-- libs
								|-- all.min.scss
								|-- bootstrap.min.scss
								|-- owl.carousel.min.scss
								|-- owl.carousel.min.scss
								|-- owl.theme.default.min.scss
						|-- modules
								|-- _footer.scss
								|-- _navbar.scss
						|-- wp-styles
		|-- dist
				|-- bundled.js
				|-- styles.css
		|-- fonts
		|-- images
		|-- webfonts
|-- inc
|-- template-parts
|-- .editorconfig
|-- .gitignore
|-- 404.php
|-- archive.php
|-- footer.php
|-- functions.php
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- header.php
|-- index.php
|-- package.json
|-- page.php
|-- search.php
|-- single.php
|-- style.css

Getting Started

To get started quickly with a new project using this workflow, please edit the following files:

  1. Change _meta.pug file.
  2. Change _styles.pug file.
  3. Change _scripts.pug file.
  4. Write the basic style in
    • _globals.scss
    • _vars.scss
    • _mixins.scss
    • _styles-reset.scss
  5. Write the basic JavaScript jQuery in app.js.
  6. Change tasks' files in gulpfile.js
    • Change scripts task
    • Change deploy task

Resources & Tools

All links & tools that I can use in this project.

Similar Websites

List of websites that helped me to get an inspiration while designing this project.

Errors & Bugs

List of errors and bugs while I design or develop this project, and how I solved them.


A complete WordPress workflow using gulp and automation.


Language:SCSS 96.4%Language:PHP 1.3%Language:JavaScript 1.1%Language:Pug 0.7%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:CSS 0.1%