sychoi3 / LeetCode

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LeetCode problems



Complexity Possible Algorithms & Techniques
O(1) Math / Hash Map Lookup
O(log n) Binary & Ternary Search / Matrix Power / Cycle Tricks / Big Simulation Steps / Values Reranking / Math
O(n) Greedy / Ad-hoc / DP
O(n log n) Linear # Calls to Binary & Ternary Search / Pre-processing & Querying / Divide and Conquer
O(n2) DP / Greedy
O(n3) DP / Greedy
O(n4) DP / Greedy
O(n5) DP / Greedy
O(2n) Find all subsets / Backtracking
O(n!) Permutation / Combination Algorithm
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
1 two-sum C# O() O() Easy
121 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock C# O() O() Easy
217 contains-duplicate C# O() O() Easy
238 product-of-array-except-self C# O() O() Medium
53 maximum-subarray C# O() O() Easy
153 find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array C# O() O() Medium
33 search-in-rotated-sorted-array C# O() O() Medium
15 3sum C# O(n2) O(n) Medium
11 container-with-most-water C# O() O() Medium
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
62 Unique Paths C# O(n * m) O(n * m) Medium DP
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Note
199 Binary Tree Right Side View C# O(n) O(n) Medium bfs



Language:C# 100.0%