syaffers / fuzzyvis-draft

Draft of Fuzzy Vision article

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Quick Image Classifier Web Application with Flask, Keras and Bokeh

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to quickly build "microservices" in Flask.
  • Draw and plot beautiful, web-friendly barcharts with Bokeh.
  • Load up pre-trained image classification models using Keras.


  • Ubuntu/Debian-flavored Linux
  • Your best Python chops! You will also need pip along with it.
  • virtualenv will help a lot as you need lots of custom packages.
  • Played around with Keras. We won't be training a model, just using one.


You have just built an awesome convolutional neural network which takes images and spits out what the object in the image is (to some degree of certainty). You want to share it with your peers around the world to get some feedback on how well it is performing while, at the same time, collect training data to train your model more. While it can be tempting to create a desktop application, this does not distribute easily. An easy way forward is to create a quick interface on the internet and share it to your friends.

What? You don't have a model trained already? It's okay, we can use a model I trained to classify images from an online marketplace into 8 different labels.

Setting Up your Workspace

Let's begin by making a virtual environment in Python. I will be using Python 2.7 but feel free to use Python 3.5 if you are more familiar. The code is mainly version-agnostic. In your terminal:

Terminal window
$ mkdir ~/venvs/
$ virtualenv ~/venvs/fuzzvis
... # some output messages
$ source ~/venvs/fuzzvis/bin/activate
(fuzzvis) $ which pip

If you see something similar in your terminal window, you are on the right track. If not, you might want to install python-virtualenv. It helps to have Anaconda Python installed since you get a better virtual environment manager, IMO, with conda-env.

Let's also make a project folder to keep all the code in one place. I'm going to call it Fuzzy Vision, for lack of a better name. In your terminal:

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ mkdir ~/fuzzy-vision
(fuzzvis) $ cd ~/fuzzy-vision

We will need a project structure as follows, you will need to create those files and folders yourselves:

|-- static
|   `-- styles
|       `-- app.css
`-- templates
    |-- error.html
    |-- home.html
    |-- layout.html
    `-- predict.html

The Basic Requirements

The web interface is going to need some basic requirements. Let's list a few to start. We will update this as we go along, if we need to.

Requirements List


  1. Image upload <form> page
  2. Results page
  3. Error page


  1. Upload and store image
  2. Serve uploaded image
  3. Predict uploaded image into 8 labels
  4. Display predictions of image in a chart
  5. Redirect errors to the error page

Okay, that's pretty basic. Let's run with it for now.

Microservices with Flask

Flask is a Python microservice framework to build web applications quickly. It has minimal setup and is akin to Express in NodeJS with (more than) several things missing. Doesn't mean it's a bad framework, as we will see shortly!

Let's begin by installing Flask into your virtual environment. In your terminal:

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ pip install Flask==0.12.2
... # some output messages

The Flask "Hello, world!"

We will start with a basic Hello, World! application. It's as easy as
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def home():
    return "Hello, internet!"

That's it, you're good to go! Flask has some quirky ways to run the web app. One way is to define in your terminal an environment variable called FLASK_APP and point it to Another way is to have a run block in and just call python in your terminal. Just to not have to do weird things to your computer, let's go with option 2. Add the following to the bottom of

if __name__ == "__main__":'')

Run it with

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ python
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

If you point your browser to the URL, you should see "Hello, internet!" displayed, in all it's empty, blank glory. Flask runs on port 5000 by defult. You can change this by adding an extra parameter to Note: Flask requires a restart of the app every time you make updates to the server code or HTML. If you find that your changes are not appearing, try restarting the web application.

Adding Routes to your App

Let's mock up some routes. We'll need 3:

  1. the home page, where the image upload form will be,
  2. the results page, where we will show the uploaded image and the predictions,
  3. the error page, because things can (and will) go wrong.

In Flask, we use the decorator app.route() and pass the route string and the available methods for that route. For this app, we will POST to the home page route so that any errors for the uploaded image will be displayed and the user will be returned to the upload form. If everything goes well, we will redirect the users to the results page where we will perform the prediction on the uploaded image.

The other pages' routes are just GET routes.

Also we will need a HTML page to be rendered. Luckily, Flask has us covered with its render_template() function. We will create the templates later. In code:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # show the upload form
        return render_template('home.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # TODO: Logic to process uploaded images

        passed = True # for now
        if passed:
            return redirect(url_for('predict', filename='test.png'))
            return redirect(url_for('error'))

@app.route('/predict/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
def predict(filename):
    # TODO: Logic to load the uploaded image filename and predict the
    # labels

    return render_template('predict.html')

def server_error(error):
    return render_template('error.html'), 500


Notice that the prediction route has a string between <> brackets. This is to inform the route that it must have a filename entered in the URL. So passing /predict/ to your browser will render a 404 error. But /predict/abc will pass.

Templating the Pages

Flask's templating engine is very easy to use too. You can create HTML layouts with lots of blocks which will encapsulate the inner page contents. We will use this for all of our 3 pages. First, we define a basic layout, reducing the need to copy and paste headers and footers into each page template.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Fuzzy Vision | Upload and Predict Images</title>
    <h1><a href='/'>Fuzzy Vision</a></h1>
    {% block body %}{% endblock %}

Next, we define our home page, with a <form> tag to store the image upload HTML element.

{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block body %}
<p>Upload an image and the algorithm will tell you what it is!</p>

<form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="image" id="image">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
{% endblock %}

Home page view

Notice the use of the {% extends 'layout.html' %} tag at the beginning of the file. This is to tell Flask that we are inheriting a parent HTML file called layout.html and replacing the {% block body %}{% endblock %} tags with the HTML we defined in the templates/home.html file.

The <form> is also coded to have the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute. This is necessary for image uploading as files are passed as a separate POST variable.

The filename does not have to match the route names in our Let's create the remaining templates. We will just have placeholder text for now until we code the actual logic of the predictions. !!! ASIDE !!!

The results page:

{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block body %}
<p>Our algorithm thinks it is a Smartphone!</p>

{% endblock %}

Predict page view

The error page:

{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block body %}
    Whoops! Something went wrong :(. Let us know what happened:
    <a href="">send email</a>.

{% endblock %}

Error page view

Notice how the h1 link with "Fuzzy Vision" persists over all the pages without us explicitly coding it into the templates. The templating engine can do much more but for now, this is good enough.

Adding the Image Upload Functionality

Let's review our requirements.

Requirements List


  1. Image upload <form> page
  2. Results page
  3. Error page


  1. Upload and store image
  2. Serve uploaded image
  3. Predict uploaded image into 8 labels
  4. Display predictions of image in a chart
  5. Redirect errors to the error page

We should now be ready to start adding key functionality to the web application. Let's start with the image uploading and storage functionality. For the sake of ease, we will use a typical filesystem storage. When images are uploaded, it just gets stored in a folder somewhere on the server (or computer) hosting the web application. Straight to the code!
import os
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, redirect, request, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = "supertopsecretprivatekey"

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # show the upload form
        return render_template('home.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # check if a file was passed into the POST request
        if 'image' not in request.files:
            flash('No file was uploaded.')
            return redirect(request.url)

        image_file = request.files['image']

        # if filename is empty, then assume no upload
        if image_file.filename == '':
            flash('No file was uploaded.')
            return redirect(request.url)

        # if the file is "legit"
        if image_file:
            passed = False
                filename = image_file.filename
                filepath = os.path.join('/tmp/fuzzvis/', filename)
                passed = True
            except Exception:
                passed = False

            if passed:
                return redirect(url_for('predict', filename=filename))
                flash('An error occurred, try again.')
                return redirect(request.url)


In the updated code, we now have a more meaty POST request home route. We first check if there was an image uploaded at all. If there isn't any, we redirect the user back to the upload page. Otherwise, we save the the image into a temporary directory in Linux: /tmp/fuzzvis/. If any error occurs during the upload, just send the users back to the homepage.

We also added a Flask configuration SECRET_KEY variable. This is needed as passing files into a POST request generates a new session. For security, will require a secret key to be defined. This value has to be unique and ideally hard to guess. For now, we will use a string of characters. We will also need to create the upload directory for the code to work:

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ mkdir -p /tmp/fuzzvis/

Notice that before the redirects, we use a flash() function. This comes from the Flask API and allows us to generate messages that are rendered once, as error messages are often displayed. We will need to update our templates for this to work properly. Since this only happens in the home page, we just need to update the home template.

{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block body %}

{% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}
{% if messages %}
<ul class="flash">
    {% for message in messages %}
    <li>{{ message }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}

<p>Upload an image and the algorithm will tell you what it is!</p>

<form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="image" id="image">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
{% endblock %}

Flash messages come in lists, hence why there is a for iterator. You can style this however you wish, however, for the purposes of this tutorial, we will just focus on functionality. !!! ASIDE !!!

You should test the image uploading functionality now and see if images are making its way into the filesystem. To do this, just restart the app and upload a file on the browser. You should land on the predict route with the template rendering. Now try uploading an empty file, you should end up back at the home page with an error message.

Flash error listed above upload form

Adding the Image Serving Functionality

Now that the images are uploaded, we can should be able to serve back the images. You can aapproach this in many ways but the easiest (and simplest) way is to just serve an image as is and use that route in other pages in an <img> source attribute. Let's create that route.
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, redirect, request, send_file, url_for

@app.route('/images/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
def images(filename):
    return send_file(os.path.join('/tmp/fuzzvis/', filename))

The send_file() function from the Flask API allows us to do more than just serve images, but other files too! All we need to provide is the absolute path of the uploded file in the server's filesystem. In the browser, we only need to pass the filename to the URL. You should now test to see that this works in your browser window. Upload an image, make sure that it works and point your browser to<uploaded_image_filename>. You should get the image that you uploaded.

Checkpoint! Refactoring for Redundancy and Security

We should start thinking about our code so far: it seems that there are redundancies that we can refactor and security measures we should take.

First, we have use the /tmp/fuzzvis/ path twice. First to store the images, and second, to serve the images. If and when this path changes, we are likely to change a whole bunch of paths everywhere. In production, you might also want to keep a persistent storage (unlike /tmp/* which will disappear when the computer turns off). Instead, we should keep it as a global variable in Better still: we should keep it as an environment variable so that users who find our code are not aware of our server filesystem structure. Coding that in
import os
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, redirect, request, send_file, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = "supertopsecretprivatekey"
app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = os.environ['UPLOAD_FOLDER']


@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
    ... # truncated part of the function
        if image_file:
            passed = False
                filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
                passed = True
            except Exception:
                passed = False

    ... # remainder of code

@app.route('/images/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
def images(filename):
    return send_file(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))

If you try to run now, you should get a KeyError. This is because we have not set the UPLOAD_FOLDER environment variable in our system. Let's update our environment variables temporarily in the terminal to get the server working again.

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ export UPLOAD_FOLDER="/tmp/fuzzvis"

This is a temporary change to the environment variables; the variables will be unset when you close the terminal window. For a persistent environment variable, edit your .bash_profile or /etc/environment file. A log out and log back in may be required for this function properly. You can always check if environment variables are set or not by typing $ echo $UPLOAD_FOLDER and checking that it matches what you want. You should refer to this environment variables guide for more information. !!!ASIDE!!!

You should do the same for the secret key. Again, this value should be hard to guess in production. For now we can just copy the value to the environment vriable in the terminal. Note: do not close your terminal window or you will need to type in the variables again!
import os
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, redirect, request, send_file, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = os.environ['UPLOAD_FOLDER']


Let's update our environment variables temporarily in the terminal.

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ export SECRET_KEY="supertopsecretprivatekey"

Great, that looks much cleaner and reusable. Next, we should rethink the file uploading scheme. It seems that our uploader is open to any and all kinds of files. To limit this, we can define a list of file extensions that are allowed and check filenames that pass through. To save on disk space, we should limit the number of files that can be stored in the filesystem. At the same time, we want to keep as many files as possible so users can go back to their URLs for a short time. My suggestion: rename all uploaded files into a three-character alphanumeric filename. This is good because there can be 36 possible characters (26 alphabetic characters and 10 numeric characters) for 3 character slots making a total of 36 ^ 3 = 46656 possible choices of filenames. This is big enough to be persistent enough (not really) and also capping our disk space usage.

First, we need to create function that will check for the allowed extensions for our web application. Let's allow typical image extensions like jpeg, jpg, png, gif and bmp. Here is the function written out.

ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['png', 'bmp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'])

def is_allowed_file(filename):
    """ Checks if a filename's extension is acceptable """
    allowed_ext = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
    return '.' in filename and allowed_ext


You should keep the constants (i.e. variables with CAPITAL_SNAKE_CASE) at the beginning of the file. This is the convention and it's easier to update in the future. Non-route functions should also come before the route functions. !!! ASIDE !!!

Now, we can write a function that will generate the filenames. We need to keep the original extensions of the uploaded file so let's pass the uploaded filename as an argument. To make it a more secure, we will use a utility function secure_filename() from werkzeug.utils. You can never be too sure what happens ;).
import random
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename



def generate_random_name(filename):
    """ Generate a random name for an uploaded file. """
    ext = filename.split('.')[-1]
    rns = [random.randint(0, len(LETTER_SET) - 1) for _ in range(3)]
    chars = ''.join([LETTER_SET[rn] for rn in rns])

    new_name = "{new_fn}.{ext}".format(new_fn=chars, ext=ext)
    new_name = secure_filename(new_name)

    return new_name

Now, we can use these functions to check for bogus filenames and also create filenames when a user uploads a file.

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
    ... # truncated part of the function
        if image_file and is_allowed_file(image_file.filename):
            passed = False
                filename = generate_random_name(image_file.filename)
                filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
                passed = True
            except Exception:
                passed = False

Restart your app and play around with it. We should now be able to test the file upload and ensure that the uploaded files now have a randomly generated three-character alphanumeric name.

Generating Barcharts with Bokeh

Let's review our requirements again.

Requirements List


  1. Image upload <form> page
  2. Results page
  3. Error page


  1. Upload and store image
  2. Serve uploaded image
  3. Predict uploaded image into 8 labels
  4. Display predictions of image in a chart
  5. Redirect errors to the error page

We will leave the prediction engine for later, now let's focus on getting the visual elements working. We should create a mock up of a prediction chart with placeholder values and once the prediction code is ready we can just feed the output values to the chart and everything should work.

We will plot charts using Bokeh. Bokeh is full of different functions and nice tricks to make graphs appear beautiful and interactive in the web. My aim is to give you a taste of Bokeh and what it can do. For this tutorial, I will just use the very basic functions: generating a web-friendly barchart plot.

First and foremost is to install Bokeh into your virtual environment.

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ pip install bokeh==0.12.10
... # some output messages

Next, we will need to include some CSS libraries for Bokeh to work on the web page since we will be generating the graphs from the backend. Note: Bokeh needs both CSS and pip versions to be identical. If you have version 0.12.10 installed in pip, you must use the CSS library version 0.12.10.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <title>Fuzzy Vision | Upload and Predict Images</title>

Let's use the /predict/<filename> route and pass a Bokeh chart object into it. We'll create a wrapper function so that our route logic is not entangled with Bokeh generation code. We also need to put in the labels as a global variable which makes the process of drawing the barcharts a little easier. In the code:

from numpy import pi
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.embed import components


IMAGE_LABELS = ['Headphone', 'Mouse', 'Camera', 'Smartphone',
                'Glasses', 'Shoes', 'Watch', 'Laptop']


def generate_barplot(predictions):
    """ Generates script and `div` element of bar plot of predictions using
    plot = figure(x_range=IMAGE_LABELS, plot_height=300, plot_width=400)
    plot.vbar(x=IMAGE_LABELS, top=predictions, width=0.8)
    plot.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 2.

    return components(plot)


def predict(filename):
    image_url = url_for('images', filename=filename)
    predictions = [0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.75, 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.0]
    script, div = generate_barplot(predictions)
    return render_template(

Bokeh Barchart Generation Explanation

We start by importing the Bokeh functions figure() and components(). Then, we create the IMAGE_LABELS list which is passed into Bokeh to label the axes of the figure. We then create the generate_barplot() function which takes in a list of predictions. The function will first create a figure called plot with the x_range (think x-axis) values being the image labels and also the size of the plot (400px by 300px). Then, we plot vertical bars by using the plot.vbar() which takes the x-axis values, the height of each bar as the argument top=, and the width of the bars which we set to 0.8. Since there are quite a few labels in a small width, we will rotate the x-axis labels by 90 degrees (or $\frac{\pi}{2}$ radians). We then return the Bokeh components back to the calling function. The components() function returns a tuple of a generated JavaScript and the <div> elements for the plot.

Predict Route Update Explanation

On the predict route, we simply run the generate_barplot() function with some placeholder values (for now) and gather the script and div elements. Finally, we pass the script and div into the template as keyword arguments plot_script and plot_div, respectively. Let's add the uploaaded image into the template too, sometimes you just forget what you uploaded! Last thing to do (before this works) is to edit templates/predict.html.

Templating the Prediction Page

We need to add some JavaScript to make the plots function and add the template directives to place the script and div elements where they need to be. Notice that we use a {{ * | safe }} tag to make the HTML render properly and securely. Lastly, we import some extra JavaScript that will be used by Bokeh to function properly.

{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block body %}
<p>Our algorithm thinks the following...</p>

<img src="{{image_url}}" alt="Input image">

{{ plot_div|safe }}

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
{{ plot_script|safe }}

{% endblock %}

If we test the /predict/<filename> URL, we should be greeted with a Bokeh plot. Feel free to play around with the plot controls and understand it. To see a different graph, just change the decimal values in the predictions list before calling generate_barplot(). Note that the values on the graph don't mean anything as of this moment.

Prediction page showing Bokeh plot

(Bonus points) Styling the App

The app styling is bland, let's face it. For bonus points, I'll let you decide on what CSS framework that you would like to use. Up to you to style however you want. As it is a simple app, feel free to experiment with new frameworks or just draw something simple up. To add your own CSS, you should use the static file static/css/style.css and link it into the <head> of your HTML layout. Flask has a way of including static files in the templating engine:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{url_for('static',filename='styles/app.css')}}">


In the Git repository for this project which I have created, I used a very lightweight CSS framework by Yahoo! called Pure CSS. These are the folks that brought YUI back in the days before TWBS. Good times ;). I also used Google Fonts as an easy way to integrate custom fonts into the site. For reference, here is the homepage I made using the tools I mentioned.

SouqNet with styling applied

The Prediction Engine with Keras

Let's begin by installing the packages we need: TensorFlow and Keras. Since Keras interfaces with TensorFlow on the backend, we will need to install TensorFlow. However, this is not a trivial process. The TensorFlow installation guide has all the information you need to install TensorFlow on your platform. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will not go down the rabbit hole of installing GPU or CPU optimized TensorFlow. Instead, we will use an unoptimized version, which is actually good enough since we are not doing any model training, only prediction. To load pretrained models, we need the h5py package. Also we will need an extra package to load image files into numpy matrix format; and that is imageio.

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ pip install tensorflow==1.3.0
... # some output messages

(fuzzvis) $ pip install Keras==2.1.2
... # some output messages

(fuzzvis) $ pip install h5py==2.7.1
... # some output messages

(fuzzvis) $ pip install imageio==2.2.0
... # some output messages

Now, we need to download the pre-trained model file and store it somewhere on the filesystem. Try not to put it in the same folder as the Fuzzy Vision code as you might accidentally push the entire model file up to GitHub (or whatever online code base you use). This might be fine with the model we will be using in this tutorial but industrial-grade pre-trained models have huge file sizes.

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ wget
(fuzzvis) $ mkdir -p /tmp/models
(fuzzvis) $ mv SouqNet128v2_gpu.h5 /tmp/models/

The model was trained on pictures of size 128px by 128px so you will need to download images of that size for this next part; Google Images might help, try and get a JPG image for now. Fire up your Python interpreter; we are going to play with the model before continuing on with the web application.

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ python
>>> from keras.models import load_model
Using TensorFlow backend.

>>> from imageio import imread

>>> model = load_model('/home/syafiq/models/SouqNet128v2_gpu.h5')
... # some messages which say TensorFlow is not optimized; ignore.

>>> image = imread('/home/syafiq/Pictures/128s/testmouse1.jpg')
# use the path to your 128px by 128px image

>>> image.shape
(128, 128, 3) # a 3-D tensor, which is expected

I want to pause here for a bit to explain tensors. Tensors are simply a generalization of a vector into higher orders. A higher order tensor can be thought of as list of tensors or a preceding order. A single vector is a first-order tensor (a list of zero-order tensors, which are just numbers), a matrix is a second-order tensor (list of vectors), and so on. An image has two spatial dimensions: a width and a height determined by the number of pixels in the image. This means that it should have lots of columns of pixels, just like a second-order tensor. So why do we need a third order tensor to represent images? Well, images have different intensity values for each of the 3 (or 4th alpha) channels: R, G and B. This means that an image is comprised of 3 layers of second-order tensors (or matrices). The graphic below should help you understand the concept.

F'in tensors, how do they work?

Let's continue. We need to reshape the input image so it's a fourth-order tensor; think of it as a list of third-order tensors. This is how the model was built to handle inputs during training, it's a technical thing.

Terminal window
>>> image = image / 255.
>>> model.predict(image.reshape(-1, 128, 128, 3))
array([[ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]], dtype=float32)

The division term before the prediction is to normalize the pixels to between 0 and 1 as this is how the model was originally trained. The output you see is an array of predictions, and the values are probabilities of a particular label. You can think of it as the confidence that the model has for each label. There are 8 labels, so there are 8 values in the output; we see one value which is exactly 1 and the rest are 0s. This means that the model is 100% confident that the label is "Label #2", which is a computer mouse. The list of labels are provided in an earlier section: Generating Barcharts with Bokeh. All we need to do with these values is pass it back to our generate_barchart() function and we will get the distribution of confidence values for each label.

Let's jump back into the server code and load that model into the server. When the server runs, it loads the model into the backend, ready to predict when executed. To keep with the security refactoring updates we did earlier, we will provide the path to the model file in an environment variable.

from numpy import pi, squeeze
from keras.models import load_model
from imageio import imread




def load_and_prepare(filepath):
    """ Load and prepares an image data for prediction """
    image_data = imread(filepath)[:, :, :3]
    image_data = image_data / 255.
    image_data = image_data.reshape((-1, 128, 128, 3))
    return image_data


@app.route('/predict/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
def predict(filename):
    image_url = url_for('images', filename=filename)
    image_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
    image_data = load_and_prepare(image_path)

    predictions = NEURAL_NET.predict_proba(image_data)
    script, div = generate_barplot(squeeze(predictions))

    return render_template(


We start with some additional imports to introduce the new functions to load images the model. We then define the NEURAL_NET_MODEL_PATH and the actual NEURAL_NET object. The main engine is in the /predict/<filename> route.

We then define a load_and_prepare() function to load and prepare the images to be predicted by the Keras model. First we read the image from the filesystem into numpy matrix. We must do a hack-y trick here while reading the image: imread(image_path)[:, :, :3] to handle PNG images. Usually PNG images have a fourth channel which is the transparency channel. The model was not trained to handle this originally and so we have to hack the image reading process by take only the first three channels and exclude the alpha channel. The image data is then normalized to between 0 and 1, reshaped, and returned.

In the /predict/<filename> route, the prepared image is fed into the neural network's predict() function. If everything goes well, we should get a list of predictions. Since this list is nested, we use squeeze() to flatten the nesting and pass it to generate_barplot(). Don't forget to set the NEURAL_NET_MODEL_PATH as an environment variable:

Terminal window
(fuzzvis) $ export NEURAL_NET_MODEL_PATH='/tmp/models/SouqNet128v2_gpu.h5'

If you run the server now and upload a 128px by 128px image, you should get a prediction of the image that you uploaded in the barcharts. In a later section we will look at a basic implementation that will allow us to upload an image of a non-fixed size. Congratulations, you have now built your own image classifier web application! For fun, upload into the classfier an image that is not in any of the predefined labels. Here's one I did with a picture of boxes of orange juice.

The model trying to predict orange juice

Checkpoint! Separating Code Concerns

We've come a long way from scratch. We should reconsider the large bulky monolithic component that is It contains the server logic for routing, generating file names, checking allowed file names and generating barcharts. This is fine for small projects but it doesn't scale to larger projects as you end up with a single massive file which makes it hard to navigate through. It also becomes confusing to unit test: should you load the server just to unit test the random name generator? Clearly not! So let's use the neglected to sperate the unit functions from the routes. All we are doing in this section is just moving code around making our workspace much cleaner.

Let's move all the unnecessary variables and functions from into The server do not need to know the following variables and functions:


  • import random, only needed by random name generator.
  • from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename, see previous reason.
  • from bokeh.plotting import figure, only needed by barchart generator.
  • from bokeh.embed import components, see previous reason.
  • from numpy import pi, see previous reason.
  • from imageio import imread, only needed by the load and prepare function.


  • ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, this is only used in the renaming function.
  • LETTER_SET, this is only used in the random name generation function.
  • IMAGE_LABELS, this is only used by the Bokeh barchart generator.


  • generate_random_name(), the server only calls this function.
  • is_allowed_file(), see previous reason.
  • generate_barplot(), see previous reason.
  • load_and_prepare(), see previous reason.

import random
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.embed import components
from imageio import imread
from numpy import pi, squeeze
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename

ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['png', 'bmp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'])
IMAGE_LABELS = ['Headphone', 'Mouse', 'Camera', 'Smartphone', 'Glasses',
                'Shoes', 'Watch', 'Laptop']

def is_allowed_file(filename):
    """ Checks if a filename's extension is acceptable """
    allowed_ext = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
    return '.' in filename and allowed_ext

def generate_random_name(filename):
    """ Generate a random name for an uploaded file. """
    ext = filename.split('.')[-1]
    rns = [random.randint(0, len(LETTER_SET) - 1) for _ in range(3)]
    chars = ''.join([LETTER_SET[rn] for rn in rns])

    new_name = "{new_fn}.{ext}".format(new_fn=chars, ext=ext)
    new_name = secure_filename(new_name)

    return new_name

def load_and_prepare(filepath):
    """ Load and prepares an image data for prediction """
    image_data = imread(filepath)[:, :, :3]
    image_data = image_data / 255.
    image_data = image_data.reshape((-1, 128, 128, 3))
    return image_data

def generate_barplot(predictions):
    """ Generates script and `div` element of bar plot of predictions using
    plot = figure(x_range=IMAGE_LABELS, plot_height=300, plot_width=400)
    plot.vbar(x=IMAGE_LABELS, top=predictions, width=0.8)
    plot.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 2.

    return components(plot)

In, just modify the imports:
import os
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, redirect, request, send_file, url_for
from keras.models import load_model
from numpy import squeeze
from utils import generate_barplot, generate_random_name, is_allowed_file, load_and_prepare


Now we have a cleaner server definition with only routes and a utility file which contaains all the functions that once used to pollute the sever routes. It is also now easy to unit test the utilities since we only need to import the functions from to be tested.

(Bonus section) Accepting Images of Any Size

Everything seems to be working great and you are ready to show it off to your peers. But, you ask that they upload an image of 128px by 128px which not many people will have. This is a slight drawback in the implementation of the code but one that can be remedied with a simple solution: take an image of any size, resize and crop to fit a box of 128px by 128px and perform prediction on the resized image.

Unfortunately, images have different focal points and finding the subject of the image is not trivial. To demonstrate a fairly simple approach, let's just assume that the subject of an image is located somewhere in the middle of the image. So the algorithm is roughly as follows:

  • if the image is square (i.e. width is equal to height), then just rescale down to 128px by 128px,
  • otherwise, resize the shorter dimension of an image down to 128px, either the height or the width,
  • crop the longer dimension down to 128px while targeting the center of the image.

Here's an image to show the algorithm at work.

Rescaling and cropping a wide image to a 128px square

There is a consideration to be made here: what kind of scaling algorithm should we use? We have the options of nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic, etc. To maintain the image features as we scale down, we will use bicubic scaling. Feel free to experiment with other methods.

Let's code that into
from PIL import Image


def make_thumbnail(filepath):
    """ Converts input image to 128px by 128px thumbnail if not that size
    and save it back to the source file """
    img =
    thumb = None
    w, h = img.size

    # if it is exactly 128x128, do nothing
    if w == 128 and h == 128:
        return True

    # if the width and height are equal, scale down
    if w == h:
        thumb = img.resize((128, 128), Image.BICUBIC)
        return True

    # when the image's width is smaller than the height
    if w < h:
        # scale so that the width is 128px
        ratio = w / 128.
        w_new, h_new = 128, int(h / ratio)
        thumb = img.resize((w_new, h_new), Image.BICUBIC)

        # crop the excess
        top, bottom = 0, 0
        margin = h_new - 128
        top, bottom = margin // 2, 128 + margin // 2
        box = (0, top, 128, bottom)
        cropped = thumb.crop(box)
        return True

    # when the image's height is smaller than the width
    if h < w:
        # scale so that the height is 128px
        ratio = h / 128.
        w_new, h_new = int(w / ratio), 128
        thumb = img.resize((w_new, h_new), Image.BICUBIC)

        # crop the excess
        left, right = 0, 0
        margin = w_new - 128
        left, right = margin // 2, 128 + margin // 2
        box = (left, 0, right, 128)
        cropped = thumb.crop(box)
        return True
    return False

We should update the server code so that this is done when the image is uploaded and before it gets predicted.
import os
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, redirect, request, send_file, url_for
from keras.models import load_model
from numpy import squeeze
from utils import generate_barplot, generate_random_name, is_allowed_file, load_and_prepare, make_thumbnail


@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
    ... # truncated part of the function

    # if the file is "legit"
    if image_file:
        passed = False
            filename = generate_random_name(image_file.filename)
            filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
            passed = make_thumbnail(filepath)
        except Exception:
            passed = False

        if passed:
            return redirect(url_for('predict', filename=filename))
            flash('An error occurred, try again.')
            return redirect(request.url)


Now if you upload a file of any size, the system should automatically resize the input image down and crop it to a 128px by 128px thumbnail. This makes the application much more accessible to users who have non-"standard" size images.

Ideas for Going Forward

This is a good start into making web applications that use machine learning tools in the backend. It is still, however, a start. There are many pitfalls that can make this application not scale into production.

The Keras and TensorFlow installation was unoptimized for the machine making it relatively slow compared to an optimized TensorFlow installation that makes use of fast math libraries and C optimizations. When multiple users upload an image for prediction, the server can stall and hold users at the upload page (since it has to complete the resizing and prediction first). This is similarly true for the image scaling function that we just implemented. By compiling TensorFlow from source and using a faster library like pillow-simd, this wait time can be reduced.

There is another way to go about handling this issue. We can implement an asynchronous method (using a task distributor like celery) that defers the heavy lifting of prediction and image resize to a subprocess without holding back users on the upload page. This way, when many users decide to use the service simultaneously, the long processing times can be distributed over several compute cores and the server can render the prediction page with a loading GIF while it does the processing behind the scenes. The uploading and serving of images can also be quickened by using a cache like Redis via an AWS S3 online bucket.

In production, we should also consider serving the web application on production-ready server applications like Nginx. This allows the app to focus on serving the routes and the tasks separately from handling user connections and other server-related things. We could also collect submitted images and ask users to click a button to label the images. This could easily be upgraded into an image labeling application which can be distributed to lots of people for human labeling. In this case, we will need a database in the back to persistently store labels.

Bokeh has interactive capabilities on the web which makes it particularly useful for very complex visualizations. For example, we could add a hover functionality to show users the actual prediction probabilities. We could also add a drag-and-drop JavaScript rather than ye olde upload button in the frontend to make it fancy.

Keras has pre-trained models from many popular image classification works like VGGNet, ResNet, and MobileNet. These are maybe more suited for general purpose image classification as it can predict more than the 8 labels that SouqNet was originally trained on. You will have to make changes to support image sizes and reducing to only showing the top 10 predicted labels for the barchart but otherwise, the core functionality is similar.

Final Words

I hope you have enjoyed creating your own image classification web application. If you made something awesome, do tweet it to me @syaffers and I'd be happy to give a comment or two about it. A similar code structure for this tutorial can be found in my GitHub repository called souqnet-app.


Draft of Fuzzy Vision article


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