sxyu / volrend_human

C++ Renderer for CS 184 Final Project - Humans/Animatable NeRF (Not polished)

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PlenOctree Volume Rendering with LBS

This is a real-time PlenOctree volume renderer written in C++ using OpenGL, with LBS support.

Based on:


Please install a recent version of CMake

Unix-like Systems

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j12
  • If you do not have CUDA-capable GPU, pass -DVOLREND_USE_CUDA=OFF after cmake .. to use fragment shader backend, which is also used for the web demo. It is slower and does not support mesh-insertion and dependent features such as lumisphere probe. Only CUDA is supported in LBS version right now

The main real-time PlenOctree rendererer volrend and a headless version volrend_headless are built. The latter requires CUDA. There is also an animation maker volrend_anim, which I used to make some of the video animations; don't worry about it unless interested.

You should be able to build the project as long as you have GLFW. On Ubuntu, you will need X-server; you can try sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Windows 10

Install Visual Studio (I am using 2019 here). Then

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 16 2019"
cmake --build . --config Release
  • If you do not have CUDA-capable GPU, pass -DVOLREND_USE_CUDA=OFF after cmake .. to use fragment shader backend, which is also used for the web demo. It is slower and does not support mesh-insertion and dependent features such as lumisphere probe. Only CUDA is supported in LBS version right now

The main real-time PlenOctree rendererer volrend and a headless version volrend_headless are built. The latter requires CUDA. There is also an animation maker volrend_anim, which I used to make some of the video animations; don't worry about it unless interested.


  • C++17
  • OpenGL
    • any dependencies of GLFW
  • CUDA Toolkit, I tried on both 11.0 and 10.2
    • Pass -DVOLREND_USE_CUDA=OFF to disable it.
  • libpng-dev (only for writing image in headless mode and saving screenshot, optional)


./volrend <tree>.npz --rig <model>.npz --joints joint_names.txt

See --help for flags. Please find some example files here (tree: rp_manuel_cube_0.npz, model: rp_manuel_model.npz):

There is an ImGui window which exposes rendering options as well as interactive features, including rotation controls for each joint. Currently, transformed geometry only appear if they are within the initial bounding box. This should not be hard to fix.

Keyboard + Mouse Controls

  • Left mouse btn + drag: rotate about camera position
  • Right mouse btn + drag: rotate about origin point (can be moved)
  • Shift + Left mouse btn + drag: pan camera
  • Middle mouse btn + drag: pan camera AND move origin point simultaneously
  • Scroll with wheel: move forward/back in z
  • WASDQE: move; Shift + WASDQE to move faster
  • 123456: preset world_up directions, sweep through these keys if scene is using different coordinate system.
  • 0: reset the focal length to default, if you messed with it

Lumisphere probe:

  • IJKLUO: move the lumisphere probe; Hold shift to move faster

Offscreen Rendering

The program volrend_headless allows you to perform offscreen rendering on a server.

Usage: ./volrend_headless tree.npz -i intrinsics.txt pose1 pose2... [-o out_dir]

intrinsics.txt should be a 4x4 intrinsics matrix. pose1, pose2 ... should contain 3x4 or 4x4 c2w pose matrices, or multiple matrices in a 4Nx4 format. Add -r to use OpenCV camera space instead of NeRF.

Example to render out images: ./volrend_headless tree.npz --rig model.npz -i intrinsics.txt pose/* -o tree_rend

The PNG writing is a huge bottleneck. Example to compute the FPS: ./volrend_headless tree.npz --rig model.npz -i intrinsics.txt pose/*


C++ Renderer for CS 184 Final Project - Humans/Animatable NeRF (Not polished)


Language:C++ 58.9%Language:Cuda 17.4%Language:CMake 6.4%Language:JavaScript 5.8%Language:GLSL 4.6%Language:HTML 3.9%Language:Python 2.1%Language:CSS 0.9%