sxndlh / AI-Challenger-Plant-Disease-Recognition

AI Challenger -- 农作物病害识别

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool








  • 更改 脚本中路径,运行该脚本,可以绘出数据分布的直方图
  • 下载预训练模型 Inception-V3
  • 更改 中的输入文件路径,输出文件路径,预训练模型文件路径
  • 在 code 路径下直接运行 python
  • 训练完成后会直接使用训练得到的参数预测 testA 数据集,生成可以用来直接提交的 json 文件



Label ID Label Name
0 apple healthy(苹果健康)
1 Apple_Scab general(苹果黑星病一般)
2 Apple_Scab serious(苹果黑星病严重)
3 Apple Frogeye Spot(苹果灰斑病)
4 Cedar Apple Rust general(苹果雪松锈病一般)
5 Cedar Apple Rust serious(苹果雪松锈病严重)
6 Cherry healthy(樱桃健康)
7 Cherry_Powdery Mildew general(樱桃白粉病一般)
8 Cherry_Powdery Mildew serious(樱桃白粉病严重)
9 Corn healthy(玉米健康)
10 Cercospora zeaemaydis Tehon and Daniels general(玉米灰斑病一般)
11 Cercospora zeaemaydis Tehon and Daniels serious(玉米灰斑病严重)
12 Puccinia polysora general(玉米锈病一般)
13 Puccinia polysora serious(玉米锈病严重)
14 Corn Curvularia leaf spot fungus general(玉米叶斑病一般)
15 Corn Curvularia leaf spot fungus serious(玉米叶斑病严重)
16 Maize dwarf mosaic virus(玉米花叶病毒病)
17 Grape heathy(葡萄健康)
18 Grape Black Rot Fungus general(葡萄黑腐病一般)
19 Grape Black Rot Fungus serious(葡萄黑腐病严重)
20 Grape Black Measles Fungus general(葡萄轮斑病一般)
21 Grape Black Measles Fungus serious(葡萄轮斑病严重)
22 Grape Leaf Blight Fungus general(葡萄褐斑病一般)
23 Grape Leaf Blight Fungus serious(葡萄褐斑病严重)
24 Citrus healthy(柑桔健康)
25 Citrus Greening June general(柑桔黄龙病一般)
26 Citrus Greening June serious(柑桔黄龙病严重)
27 Peach healthy(桃健康)
28 Peach_Bacterial Spot general(桃疮痂病一般)
29 Peach_Bacterial Spot serious(桃疮痂病严重)
30 Pepper healthy(辣椒健康)
31 Pepper scab general(辣椒疮痂病一般)
32 Pepper scab serious(辣椒疮痂病严重)
33 Potato healthy(马铃薯健康)
34 Potato_Early Blight Fungus general(马铃薯早疫病一般)
35 Potato_Early Blight Fungus serious(马铃薯早疫病严重)
36 Potato_Late Blight Fungus general(马铃薯晚疫病一般)
37 Potato_Late Blight Fungus serious(马铃薯晚疫病严重)
38 Strawberry healthy(草莓健康)
39 Strawberry_Scorch general(草莓叶枯病一般)
40 Strawberry_Scorch serious(草莓叶枯病严重)
41 Tomato healthy(番茄健康)
42 tomato powdery mildew general(番茄白粉病一般)
43 tomato powdery mildew serious(番茄白粉病严重)
44 Tomato Bacterial Spot Bacteria general(番茄疮痂病一般)
45 Tomato Bacterial Spot Bacteria serious(番茄疮痂病严重)
46 Tomato_Early Blight Fungus general(番茄早疫病一般)
47 Tomato_Early Blight Fungus serious(番茄早疫病严重)
48 Tomato_Late Blight Water Mold general(番茄晚疫病菌一般)
49 Tomato_Late Blight Water Mold serious(番茄晚疫病菌严重)
50 Tomato_Leaf Mold Fungus general(番茄叶霉病一般)
51 Tomato_Leaf Mold Fungus serious(番茄叶霉病严重)
52 Tomato Target Spot Bacteria general(番茄斑点病一般)
53 Tomato Target Spot Bacteria serious(番茄斑点病严重)
54 Tomato_Septoria Leaf Spot Fungus general(番茄斑枯病一般)
55 Tomato_Septoria Leaf Spot Fungus serious(番茄斑枯病严重)
56 Tomato Spider Mite Damage general(番茄红蜘蛛损伤一般)
57 Tomato Spider Mite Damage serious(番茄红蜘蛛损伤严重)
58 Tomato YLCV Virus general(番茄黄化曲叶病毒病一般)
59 Tomato YLCV Virus serious(番茄黄化曲叶病毒病严重)
60 Tomato Tomv(番茄花叶病毒病)



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AI Challenger -- 农作物病害识别


Language:Python 100.0%