swstarlab / pal_pepper

Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots using Deep Learning

Home Page:https://goo.gl/Pxnf1n

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the code for the paper

Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots using Deep Learning

This code has been used in Robocup@Home2017 and won 1st Place in Social Standard Platform (SSPL) AUPAIR - https://www.robocup2017.org/file/awards/Awards_RoboCup_athome.pdf

Youtube link: https://goo.gl/Pxnf1n

If you find this code useful in your research, please cite: (will be available after Feb, 06, 2018)

  title={Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots using Deep Learning},
  author={Lee, Beom-Jin and  Choi, Jinyoung and Lee, Chung-Yeon and Park, Kyung-Wha and Choi, Sungjun and Han, Cheolho and Han, Dong-Sig  and Baek, Christina and Emaase, Patrick and Zhang, Byoung-Tak },

Upgraded version of perception module is on: https://github.com/gliese581gg/IPSRO

PAL System Ver 1.0 (2017.11.18) by Beom-Jin Lee

Use tmux!

install tmux

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:pi-rho/dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y tmux=2.0-1~ppa1~t


  • UBUNTU 14.04 for ROS-INDIGO
  • After cloning this repository
-- download https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolo.weights
-- put it into python_script/bin
-- download http://posefs1.perception.cs.cmu.edu/Users/ZheCao/pose_iter_440000.caffemodel
-- put it into python_script/pose_model/model/_trained_COCO
-- download http://posefs1.perception.cs.cmu.edu/Users/ZheCao/pose_iter_146000.caffemodel
-- put it in src/pose_model/model/_trained_MPI/
-- download https://www.dropbox.com/s/ae071mfm2qoyc8v/pose_model.pth?dl=0
-- put it in src/pose_model/
-- download http://cs.stanford.edu/people/jcjohns/densecap/densecap-pretrained-vgg16.t7.zip
-- unzip it
-- put unzipped file in src/captioning_model/data/models/densecap/

Install below from their websites.

  • NVIDIA driver 375.20
  • CUDA 8.0
  • CUDNN 5.1
  • Tensorflow r1.1

Install below.

  • Torch from http://torch.ch/docs/getting-started.html (choose 'yes' when installer asks something about path)

  • SpeechRecognition

    pip install SpeechRecognition
  • ROS indigo desktop full from http://blog.naver.com/gliese581gg/220645607537 or http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/Ubuntu

  • naoqi (add below to ~/.bashrc)

    export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:~/'YOUR_PATH'/naoqi/lib/python2.7/site-packages
  • sshpass

    apt-get install sshpass
  • others

    sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose
    pip install Cython
    sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran
    pip install h5py
    pip install keras
    darkflow (https://github.com/thtrieu/darkflow) (intall option 3)
    apt-get install ros-indigo-navigation
    apt-get install ros-indigo-gmapping
    apt-get install ros-indigo-pepper-*
    luarocks install nn
    luarocks install image
    luarocks install lua-cjson
    luarocks install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qassemoquab/stnbhwd/master/stnbhwd-scm-1.rockspec
    luarocks install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcjohnson/torch-rnn/master/torch-rnn-scm-1.rockspec
    luarocks install cutorch
    luarocks install cunn
    luarocks install cudnn
    luarocks install md5
    luarocks install --server=http://luarocks.org/dev torch-ros
    pip install http://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu80/torch-0.1.12.post2-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl 
    pip install torchvision
    pip install nltk
    (open python and) import nltk ; nltk.download('punkt')
    pip install pattern
    pip install google-cloud
  • tmux

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:pi-rho/dev
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y tmux=2.0-1~ppa1~t

Catkin Compile

merge the included catkin_ws src to yours and catkin_make

merge catkin_ws src

How to use PIO

Import PIO modules

import pepper_io

pio = pepper_io.pepper_io()
  • Note that only 1 pio instance should be made. Do not make multiple instances
  • You must put your script in the included 'python_script' folder

Before you run it

  • Do every command with sudo or become root.
sudo -s
  • Launch modules using Tmux

 # 1. launch modules
cd {YOUR_PATH}/python_scripts
./run_pepper.sh {pepper's ip}

 #(example : ./run_pepper.sh

 # 2. run your script in most right screen
python ~~.py --ip

  • Manually run each module
 #1. Start Driver
roslaunch pal_pepper pepper_start_jy.launch nao_ip:=192.168.1.~

 #2. Start navigation module
roslaunch pal_pepper pepper_navigation.launch map_file:=full/path/to/your_yaml_file 
or edit pepper_navigation.launch's default map loading file
roslaunch pal_pepper pepper_navigation.launch

 #You will see 2D pose Estimate. Set robot location and move it with 2D Nav Goal to some place.
 #Pepper will find where it is.

 #3. run deep learning modules
cd {YOUR_PATH}/python_scripts
python obj_detector.py --ip 192.168.1.~~
python reid_module.py
python pose_detector.py
cd captioning
th run_ros2.lua

Object class

  • See objs.msg to see which types are supported. For example,int32 x means x position.

    string class_string : object class
    int32 x : center of X of bounding box
    int32 y : center Y of bounding box
    int32 h : height of bounding box
    int32 w : width of bounding box
    float64 confidence : class score
    sensor_msgs/Image cropped : cropped image
    sensor_msgs/Image cropped_cloud : cropped point cloud
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose_wrt_robot : position of the object wrt the robot
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose_wrt_map : position of the object wrt the map
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose_wrt_odom : position of the object wrt the odometry
    int32 person_id : id of a person after person identification
    string person_name : (deprecated) name of a person
    float64 reid_score : confidence of re-identifiation of a person
    int32 isWaving : (deprecated) will be 1 if a person is waving his/her hands, 0 o.w.
    int32 isSitting : (deprecated) will be 1 if a person is sitting 
    int32 isRwaving : (deprecated) 1 if the person waving right hand
    int32 isLwaving : (deprecated) 1 if the person waving right hand
    int32 isLying : (deprecated) 1 if the person is lying
    int32 isLpointing : (deprecated) 1 if the person pointing right hand
    int32 isRpointing : (deprecated) 1 if the person pointing right hand
    string ucolor : (deprecated) color of the person's upper cloth
    string lcolor : (deprecated) color of the person's lower cloth
    float64[] joints : list of floats, represents the position of joints the indexes are for
    0 1 nose 2 3 neck 4 5 r_shoulder 6 7 r_elbow 8 9 r_wrist 10 11 l_shoulder 12 13 l_elbow 14 15 l_wrist 16 17 r_pelvis 18 19 r_knee 20 21 r_anckle 22 23 l_pervis 24 25 l_knee 26 27 l_ankle 28 29 r_eye 30 31 l_eye 32 33 r_ear 34 35 l_ear
    string[] captions : captions generated by captioning module
    string[] tags : contains useful tags for objects
    in current version, tags contain class of the object, 'waving','rwaving','lwaving','man','woman','sitting','lying','lpointing','rpointing','blue','green','red','white','black',person's name

    Deprecated variables are still working but I highly recommend to use the 'tags' instead of them

  • See obj_array.msg.

    Header header : Contains timestamp and ETC, No need to modify
    objs[] objects : List of *objs.msg*
    int32 msg_idx : index of message (used for perception integration)
    sensor_msgs/Image scene_rgb : rgb image of whole scene
    sensor_msgs/Image scene_cloud : point cloud of whole scene
  • And pose class which is returned from pos_wrt_map , pose_wrt_robot and pose_wrt_odom.

    # geometry_msgs/Pose
    Point position
    Quaternion orientation

    position consists of

    float64 x
    float64 y
    float64 z

    orientaiton consists of

    float64 x
    float64 y
    float64 z
    float64 w

Example python script

def main():
    pio = pepper_io(ip='')
    test_objects = pio.get_perception()
    header = test_objects.header
    objets = test_objects.objects
    for obj in objects:
        print obj.class_string # print class of the object.
        pose = obj.pos_wrt_map # print position wrt map
        position_x = pose.position.x
        orientation_x = pose.orientation.x
        # cropped image is rosimg. you have to convert this to numpy img.
        cropped_image = pio.rosimg_to_numpyimg(obj.cropped) # this is numpy image
        tags = obj.tags
    return None


get perception

pio.get_perception(fil = None,reid=True,pose=True,captioning=True,time_limit = 3.0)
  • fil: list of classes to find. find all classes if None (example : fil=['person','chair'])
  • reid,pose,captioning : if True, output contains those information
  • time_limit : return empty obj_array if latest information is older than this seconds

get integrated perception (objects, people's name, pose, captions)

returns objs_array instance.

get object information from individual modules (deprecated)

pio.get_objects(fil = None,time_limit = 3.0)
pio.get_people_identified(waving_only=False,,time_limit = 3.0)
pio.get_people_wavings(name = None,time_limit = 3.0)
  • fil: list of classes to find. find all classes if None (example : fil=['person','chair'])
  • waving_only : if True, only waving people will be returned
  • name : list of strings, if not None, only find specified people
  • time_limit : return empty obj_array if latest information is older than this seconds

get object information from individual modules (object detection, identification, pose detection)

get captions of whole scene


get captions of whole scene. captions for people are automatically stored in obj.captions so don't use this to extract people's captions

save waypoints

  • filename: a file name without path. E.g.: tour_guid.txt

save waypoints to a file.

load waypoints

  • filename: a file name without path. E.g.: tour_guid.txt

reset current waypoints and load waypoints from a file.

add a waypoint

pio.add_waypoint(name, location=None)
  • name: sring
  • location: a tuple, list or numpy array consts of three floats for x, y, direction in a map. The default value is the robot's location.

add a waypoint.

go to a waypoint

pio.go_to_waypoint(name, wait=True, clear_costmap=False)
  • name: sring
  • wait: the function returns immediately if False. else blocked until the robot gets to the goal.
  • clear_costmap: reset temporally detected obstacles if True, else use the previous costmap.

go to a waypoint.

get location

  • p: position tuple, list or numpy array consts of three floats for x, y, z wrt the robot. z must always be 0.
  • o: orientation tuple, list or numpy array consts of four floats for x, y, z, w wrt the robot. this is quaternion coordinate system
  • source: source frame
  • target: target frame

convert the location in source coordinate system to the location in target coordinate system

orientation must be quaternion (see also pio.yaw_to_quat and pio.quat_to_yaw)

global localization


stabilize the robot's position by rotating several times.

automatic speech recognition

  • sensitivity: 0 ~ 1

initialize speech recognition. Afther this, speeches are detected countinousely.

See also


manual speech recognition

pio.start_recording(reset=False, base_duration=3.0)
  • reset: start a new recoding session for True, or add to an existing one if False
  • 'base_duration': minimum length of duration. Only for reset is True.

Detect a speech from now manually.

get rgb


Returns camera image to numpy array.

See also pio.get_depth() and pio.get_point_cloud.

The size of image is always 320(width) * 240(height).

get depth


returns depth image numpy array

get point cloud


returns point cloud numpy array

get position from point cloud

  • x, y: position of a pixel of interest
  • size : if scan is 'point', the function returns nearest point in surrounding size area of x,y
  • scan_len : if scan is 'line', the function returns nearest point in vertical line from x,y to x+scan_len,y
  • scan : 'point' or 'line'

Get a position of specific pixel in meters.

scan surrounding area or vertical line.

animate a gesture

 #example : pio.do_anim('Gestures/Hey_1')
  • command: a name of the gesture in string.

Animate a gesture. The kinds of gestures are from http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-4/naoqi/motion/alanimationplayer-advanced.html#alanimationplayer-advanced.

change the posture of the robot

  • command: a name of the posture in string among Crouch, LyingBack, LyingBelly, Sit, SitRelax, Stand, StandInit, StandZero.

Change the posture of the robot.

move to a goal

pio.go_to_goal(x, y, theta, wait=True, clear_costmap=False)
  • x, y, theta: the position of the goal wrt the map. theta is in radian.
  • wait: the function returns immediately if False. else blocked until the robot gets to the goal.
  • clear_costmap: reset temporally detected obstacles if True, else use the previous costmap.

Move the robot to a location.

set velocity

pio.set_velocity(x y, theta, duration=-1.)
  • x, y: the velocity of forward-backward diretion and left-right direction.
  • theta: the angular velocity of rotation.
  • duration: the duration of the movement. NOTE: if not specified, the robot moves forever in the specified direction. Colision!

Move the robot in a speciiec direction for a duration and velocity.



Stop ongoing movement.

keyboard control


Control the robot using a keyboard.

usage : type following command and press enter.
		robot will maintain velocity unless you give another command.
	 w : forward
	 s : stop
	 x : backward
	 a : strafe left
	 d : strafe right
	 q : turn left
	 e : turn right
	 say : say next input
	 waypoint : add current location to waypoints
	 save_waypoint : save all waypoints
	 add_waypoint : add current location to waypoints
	 go_waypoint : go to waypoint
	 add_reid_target : add reid target
	 save_reid_targets : save reid target
	 sr : speech recognition
	 c : exit

say something

  • text: string to say.

Say a text. Speech recognition is paused during saying.

convert image

  • img_msg: ros image to convert.

Convert ros image to numpy image.

See also


find a word

pio.find_ord(word, source=None)
  • word: a word to find.
  • source: the source of speech to find. Use the latest one if not specified.

Find a word from a recorded speech.

follow a person

pio.follow_person(self,target,target_dist=1.0,fail_dist_threshold=1.0,dist_strict=False, \
					  reid_strict=False,reid_add=False,score_threshold=-10,max_fail_count = 20, short_mode_thr = 1.5)
  • target: a target to follow in objs instance.
  • target_dist: distance in meters.
  • timeout: fails if the stop criterion is not satisfied until timeout.
  • stop_criterion: 'dist' for distance or 'speech' for a word.
  • use_reid: follow the closest person in location if False, follow the identified person if True.
  • reid_name: follow the person whoes name is reid_name, else name the person as follow.
  • stop_word: the word to make the robot stop following if stop_criterion is 'speech'.

Follow a person until the stop criterion is satisfied.


To use Google Speech Recognition, you will be needing a google account. 
Link: https://cloud.google.com/speech/docs/auth
Add the authorized jason file to speech_auth folder
Unindent self.speech_client = speech.Client.from_service_account_json('speech_auth/xxx.json') in pepper_io.py



the most recently recognized speech in the string.


A list of strings used for speech recognition as hints.


Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots using Deep Learning


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 74.6%Language:Lua 11.3%Language:C++ 5.4%Language:Python 4.9%Language:C 2.6%Language:CMake 0.5%Language:JavaScript 0.3%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:CSS 0.0%Language:Objective-C 0.0%