swissup / module-fblike

M2 Facebook Product Like Button

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Facebook Like Button


For clients

There are several ways to install extension for clients:

  1. If you've bought the product at Magento's Marketplace - use Marketplace installation instructions
  2. Otherwise, you have two options:

For developers

Use this approach if you have access to our private repositories!

cd <magento_root>
composer config repositories.swissup composer
composer require swissup/module-fblike
bin/magento module:enable Swissup_Fblike
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Add Like Button To Catalog

Add code to any place in catalog list.phtml

<?php echo $this->helper('Swissup\Fblike\Helper\Like')->getProductLike($_product); ?>


M2 Facebook Product Like Button


Language:PHP 43.7%Language:JavaScript 28.0%Language:Less 20.5%Language:HTML 7.8%