swipip / SHSmarthint

An easy to use framework that provides convenient way to add banners, callouts and alerts to your controllers.

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What is it ?

SmartHint is a framework that lets you add banners, callouts or alerts to point out an action to a user. All this views are interactive, customizable and easy to implement with simple properties and callbacks to respond to touch events and button presses. SmartHint is much easier to implement than standard UIKit equivalents, much more flexible and customizable as well for simple tasks.

Basic integration

Add the framework to your project with the following command.

pod 'SmartHint', '~> 1.0.5'

How to use SH core features

First you must import the framework to the file your are working on:

import SmartHint

SmartHint offers a convenient way to add callOut and banners to certain views inside you view hierarchy. To interact with the framework simply use the built in UIViewController extenion



You can create add a banner bellow your UINavigationController's navBar like so:

 guard let targetView = navigationController?.navigationBar else {return}
 sh.addHint(hint: Hint(style: .banner(.bottom), message: "Hey this is a banner"), to: targetView) {
   //Respond to banner view's tap event

An optional completion argument is triggered in reponse to a tap event on the banner.


You can create add a callout bellow a given view like so:

sh.addHint(hint: Hint(style: .callout(.triangle), message: "Hey this is a callout"), to: targetView) {
 //Respond to banner view's tap event

An optional completion argument is triggered in reponse to a tap event on the callout.

Build custom hint

You can create custom hints by using the Hint object's properties

Custom Hint

Change core hint properties like background color, or text color, message or presentation animation style like this:

let hint = Hint(style: .banner(.bottom))
hint.backgroundColor = .white
hint.buttonsColor = .systemGray6
hint.message = "This is my banner's message"
hint.animationStyle = .fromTop

Adding a textField in an AlertView

Uniquely available to alerts, you can choose to display a textField inside the view. The following example shows how to tell SmartHint you need a textField and how to subscribe to its events.

let hint = Hint(style: .alert)
hint.hasTextField = { [weak self] textField in
   textField.delegate = self
   return true

The view you are assigning the delegate to must conform to UITextFieldDelegate. Do this like so:

extension YourViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
    func textFieldDidChangeSelection(_ textField: UITextField) {
        //Respond to changes

Adding buttons

To add a button you simply need to pass a completion handler to the addAction(_ action: HintAction) method. Let's say you need to add two buttons:

let hint = Hint(style: .banner(.bottom))
hint.addAction(HintAction(title: "first button", handler: { hint in
    //Do something when the first button gets tapped
hint.addAction(HintAction(title: "second button", handler: { hint in
    //Do something when the second button gets tapped

Note that in the callback you get access to the current associated hint object. This is useful is you need to access specific parameters of the hint such as the optional textfield of an AlertView for instance

Modifying core properties

Should you need to update some of HintViews core properties to fit the layout style to you app's, you cna do using the setDefaultValue(_ value: Any, forKey key: ConstantName) method provided by the SmartHint viewController's extension.

sh.setDefaultValue(CGFloat(12), forKey: .hintViewCornerRadius)
sh.setDefaultValue(CGFloat(8), forKey: .buttonsCornerRadius)

Note that you MUST indicate to right type for the value your are modifying otherwise the module will raise an exception. So for instance provide a CGFloat for view layout related values and a Double for the animation timing for instance


An easy to use framework that provides convenient way to add banners, callouts and alerts to your controllers.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 96.4%Language:Ruby 3.0%Language:Objective-C 0.5%