swex / ya.music-dl

Downloader for Yandex.Music

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Downloader for Yandex.Music

It allows to download tracks, playlists, albums from the online-service http://music.yandex.ru/


cpan install IO::Socket::SSL
cpan install Mojo
cpan install MP3::Tag


Console output:

Usage: ya.music-dl.pl [command] [options]

     - download all tracks from album by album_ID (comma separated)
     - download all albums by artist_ID (comma separated)
     - download tracks by tracks_ID (comma separated)
     - download playlist by playlist_id and owner_name
     - login to auth with Yandex Account (requires --password)
     - password to auth with Yandex Account (requires --login)
     - download tracks through HTTP-proxy server.
     Supports only http-proxy (no https) due to Mojo-limitations. Use the
     following format: LOGIN:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT, i.e.: "user:secure@"

 -c or --cover
     - get cover for each track from Yandex.Music and add it as ID3v2 tag
     - set output directory. Default value: ./ya.music/
 -ns or --no_subdirectories
     - do not create subdirectories (ie. "artist/album/atrist - track"), save
     only to output directory (see option --dir)
 -to or --tags_only
     - do not downloads tracks, update only ID3v2 tags for existing files
     Note: not existing files will be skipped
     - create playlist-file. Available formats: m3u (id=1), pls (id=2)
     - set the name for playlist-file (without extension). NAME - english only!
     - print this help

     ya.music-dl.pl --albums=295708,295709,295710 -c --dir=./
     ya.music-dl.pl --artists=3120,79215 --proxy=""
     ya.music-dl.pl --artists=3120,79215 --cover --tags_only
     ya.music-dl.pl --tracks=2749751,2295002,1710808,1710811,1710816,2295010,2758009 -c -ns --dir="./Queen/favorites/"
     ya.music-dl.pl --playlist="1008&ya-playlist" --login=my_yandex_login --password=secret
     ya.music-dl.pl --tracks=2749751,2295002,1710808,1710811,1710816,2295010,2758009 -c -ns --dir="./MyPlaylists/" --cp=1 --cp-name=Queen
     ya.music-dl.pl --playlist="1042&ya-playlist" -c -cp=1


Downloader for Yandex.Music