sweisser / versionfile

Keeps version numbers for multiple components in a single YAML file and allows to increase parts of the version number.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

build release


A little commandline tool to keep versions for different components in a small YAML file and make them available in your environment.

Use it together with Makefiles and Jenkins Pipelines.

alt text



$ versionfile -h
versionfile 2.1.0
Stefan Weisser <stefan.weisser@gmail.com>
A little tool to keep track of your component versions in a small YAML file. To be used in
Makefiles, Jenkinsfiles or Shell Scripts

    versionfile [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --config <config>    Sets a custom config file [default: versions.yaml]

    add          Add components
    env          Generate script to populate environment variables
    get          Get a components current version
    get-cargo    Get version from a Cargo.toml (Rust projects)
    help         Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init         Create a new versions.yaml
    list         List all components and versions
    major        Increase a components major version
    minor        Increase a components minor version
    patch        Increase a components patch version


Create a versions.yaml in your projects root. This file will keep track of each components version number. For example, take the following project, which consists of a 'server' and a 'client' component.

  server: 0.0.1
  client: 0.2.0

You can also use the 'init' subcommand to create an empty versions.yaml:

$ versionfile init


Now, in your Makefiles, Shellscripts or Jenkinsfiles, you can query each components version.

Query the version for a single component:

$ versionfile get 'server'

$ versionfile get 'client'

Versions of a Rust projects Cargo.toml can also be read (but not modified):

$ versionfile get-cargo .

Makefile usage

You can use versionfile to set variables in a Makefile:

VERSION_CLIENT:=$(shell versionfile get client)

    echo "Client version is $(VERSION_CLIENT)"

Environment variables

Or to set environment variables:

export VERSION_CLIENT=`versionfile get client`

Jenkins Pipeline

Example how versionfile can be used inside a pipeline to version your components:

stage('Build Client Application') {
  agent any

  environment {
    CLIENT_VERSION = "${sh(returnStdout: true, script: './versionfile get client')}".trim()

  steps {
    sh 'make client'
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'client.tar.bz2'

    nexusArtifactUploader artifacts: [
        [artifactId: 'client', classifier: 'release', file: 'client.tar.bz2', type: 'tar.bz2'],
      credentialsId: 'jenkins_nexus_upload_user',
      groupId: 'org.coolapp',
      nexusUrl: 'localhost:8081',
      nexusVersion: 'nexus3',
      protocol: 'http',
      repository: 'maven-releases',
      version: "${env.CLIENT_VERSION}"

Increasing versions for a component

$ versionfile major 'client'

$ versionfile minor 'client'

$ versionfile patch 'server'

Versionfile location

Versionfile will be searched in current directory, or you can specify the location explicitly:

$ versionfile -c ../version.yaml get 'server'

List components

$ versionfile list

Add a component

$ versionfile add 'proxy'
$ versionfile get 'proxy'

(Or add them directly in the YAML file.)

Take care with the naming of the components if you intend to use the 'env' subcommand. Some characters, like '-' will cause trouble with the generated export commands.

Populate environment variables

$ eval "$(versionfile env)"


You need to have Rust installed (e.g. via https://rustup.rs/)

Then it's just the usual:

$ cargo build --release


Keeps version numbers for multiple components in a single YAML file and allows to increase parts of the version number.

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%