swarkentin / signal

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Canada Food Guide Menu

Build Status

Coverage Status

Changes to Source Data

Some changes were made to the source data to handle data inconsistencies

  • Renamed "fgcat_id": "da" in foods-en|fr.json to "fgcat_id": "mi" to be consistent with fg_directional_satements.json
  • Made all genders English so they can map to enum without a custom dserialier
  • Converted *-fr.json to UTF-8 encoding

Building and Running

Build and run tests

To build the application and run tests:

$./gradlew check

Build and run application with Gradle

To build and run the service from gradle locally on a random port:

$./gradlew run

> Task :run
INFO  io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 2790ms. Server Running: http://localhost:11029

Build a Docker image:

To build the service and assemble the Docker image:

$./gradlew --no-daemon assemble && docker build -t swarkentin/foodguide .

$docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
swarkentin/foodguide   latest              dcc394683e89        1 minutes ago       117MB

Run the Docker image with a specific port:

To run the assembled Docker image on port 8080:

$docker run -e JAVA_OPTS='-Dmicronaut.server.port=8080' -p 8080:8080 swarkentin/foodguide
22:35:29.968 [main] INFO  io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 1845ms. Server Running: http://localhost:8080

API Usage

When running with gradlew, take note of the random port on which the server is running for the following queries.

Both individual and family member queries use a common path syntax:


For example, a 36 year old male named 'Steve' will use the syntax:


Because the Canada food guide offers a variety of suggestions, each request may return with a different menu as randomized selections are made for individuals based on their gender and age.

Common properties:

tipsByFoodGroup: are randomized tips from the Canadian food guide for each food group. foodsByFoodGroup: is a curated list of all foods recommended for one day by the Canadian food guide.

User daily menu

To get Steve's daily menu, use the following REST endpoint:

GET /foodguide/my-daily-menu/Steve:M:36 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:{PORT}
Accept: application/json

  "name" : "Steve",
  "age" : 36,
  "tipsByFoodGroup" : {
    "Milk and Alternatives" : "Drink skim, 1%, or 2% milk each day.",
    "Grains" : "Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day.",
    "Meat and Alternatives" : "Have meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu often.",
    "Vegetables and Fruit" : "Have vegetables and fruit more often than juice."
  "foodsByFoodGroup" : {
    "Milk and Alternatives" : [ {
      "categoryDescription" : "Milk",
      "servingSize" : "250 mL, 1 cup reconstitued",
      "food" : "Milk, powdered"
    }, {
      "categoryDescription" : "Milk",
      "servingSize" : "250 mL, 1 cup",
      "food" : "Milk, lactose reduced"
    } ],
    "Grains" : [ {
      "categoryDescription" : "Non whole grain",
      "servingSize" : "125 mL, &frac12; cup cooked",
      "food" : "Rice, white"
    }, ...

Family daily menu

A family daily menu uses the same path syntax as an individual menu, with identifiers separated by commas. To get Steve's family menu, use the following REST endpoint:

GET /foodguide/family-daily-menu/Steve:M:36,Jill:F:34,Mary-Anne:F:12  HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:{PORT}
Accept: application/json

  "tipsByFoodGroup" : {
    "Milk and Alternatives" : "Select lower fat milk alternatives.",    
  "menuPerPerson" : [ {
    "name" : "Steve",
    "age" : 36,
    "foodsByFoodGroup" : {
      "Milk and Alternatives" : [ {
        "categoryDescription" : "Milk",
        "servingSize" : "125 mL, &frac12; cup undiluted",
        "food" : "Milk, evaporated, canned"
    "name" : "Jill",
    "age" : 34,
    "foodsByFoodGroup" : {...
  "foodsByFoodGroup" : {
    "Milk and Alternatives" : [ {
      "categoryDescription" : "Milk",
      "servingSize" : "125 mL, &frac12; cup undiluted",
      "food" : "Milk, evaporated, canned"
    }, {
      "categoryDescription" : "Milk Alternatives",
      "servingSize" : "250 mL, 1 cup",
      "food" : "Fortified soy beverage (unsweetened)"


License:The Unlicense


Language:Java 99.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%