swantbo / ChromeExtension-v3-usingReact-Typescript

This is a base template for developing Google Chrome extensions based on React.js

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Chrome Extension Manifest v3 Using React and Typescript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

First clone the project using git clone https://github.com/JoseCGDEV/ChromeExtension-v3-usingReact-Typescript.git

Then run the npm i command to install the project dependencies

Build the extension

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run build to build the extension

The command will build the app for production in the build.\ folder then just load the folder as an unzipped chrome extension.


This is a base template for developing Google Chrome extensions based on React.js


Language:TypeScript 58.6%Language:HTML 19.5%Language:CSS 14.7%Language:JavaScript 7.1%