swang373 / VHbbUF

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Z(nn)H(bb) Analysis, Step by Step NOTE: All the scripts must be run from the base directory.

  1. Use maketier2list.py to transfer Step 2 ntuples from Pisa to FNAL. Edit the directories in the script before running. ''' python maketier2list.py '''

  2. Use Skim.C or Skim_backup.C to skim the Step 2 ntuples with baseline selection.

    Update HelperNtuples.h. In inputstep2.ini,

    • Section [Skim], edit tagMC, tagData, baseline, mettrigger, metfilter.
    • Section [Stitch], edit xxxLHECUTs. In pyhelper.py, enable reader.write_HelperNtuples() and disable the rest. ''' python pyhelper.py > HelperNtuples.h ''' To run the skim, ''' source run_Skim.sh '''
  3. Use SkimRegression.C to skim the Step 2 ntuples for BDTG regression training.

    Update HelperNtuples.h. In inputstep2.ini,

    • Section [Skim], edit regression, fjregression. In pyhelper.py, enable reader.write_HelperNtuples() and disable the rest. ''' python pyhelper.py > HelperNtuples.h ''' To run the skim for ak5 jet regression, ''' source run_SkimRegression.sh ''' To run the skim for filter jet regression, ''' source run_SkimRegressionFJ.sh '''
  4. Use TrainRegression.C and TrainRegressionFJ.C to produce the BDT regression .xml weight files.

    Update HelperTMVA.h. In inputstep2.ini,

    • Section [BDT Regression Variable], edit the variables to use.
    • Section [BDT Regression FJ Variable], edit the variables to use. In pyhelper.py, enable reader.write_HelperTMVA() and disable the rest. ''' python pyhelper.py > HelperTMVA.h ''' To run the BDT regression and copy the TMVA output and weight files, ''' python run_TrainRegression.py && cp weights/TMVARegression_BDTG.weights.xml weights/TMVARegression_BDTG.testweights.xml && cp TMVAReg.root testTMVAReg.root ''' To run the BDT regression for FJ, ''' python run_TrainRegressionFJ.py && cp weights/TMVARegressionFJ_BDTG.weights.xml weights/TMVARegressionFJ_BDTG.testweights.xml && cp TMVARegFJ.root testTMVARegFJ.root ''' Run the following scripts to assess regression performance, ''' python ComparePtResolution.py python ComparePtOffset.py python CompareMass_sig.py '''
  5. Update HelperNtuples.h In skimmer.py, enable skimmer.process() and disable the rest. ''' python skimmer.py inputstep2.ini ''' Copy the output to Section [Process] in inputstep2.ini. In skimmer.py, enable skimmer.stitch() and disable the rest. ''' python skimmer.py inputstep2.ini ''' Copy the output to Section [Stitch] in inputstep2.ini. In pyhelper.py, enable reader.write_HelperNtuples() and disable the rest. ''' python pyhelper.py > HelperNtuples.h '''

  6. Use GrowTree.C to create the Step 3 ntuples. ''' python run_GrowTree.py ''' Currently, I issue instead the following command. ''' source runGrowTree.sh '''

  7. Use SkimClassification.C to skim the Step 3 ntuples for BDT classification. This is currently bugged. For now, remove the string "ZnunuHighPt_VH:= " in HelperTMVA.h. ''' source run_SkimClassification.sh '''

  8. Use TrainBDT.C to produce the BDT classification .xml weight files. ''' source run_TrainBDT.sh '''

  9. Use TrimTree.C to create the Step 4 ntuples.

    In inputstep2.ini,

    • Section [Weight], edit the MC event weights.
    • Section [Trigger], edit the Data trigger.
    • Section [Selection], edit the signal and control regions. In pyhelper.py, enable reader.write_HelperTMVA() and disable the rest. ''' python pyhelper.py > HelperTMVA.h '''

    In TrimTree.C, edit the BDT .xml weight files to load. ''' python run_TrimTree.py '''

stitch the Step 4's (remember to edit $DIR in the script) source run_stitch.sh

  1. run for now cd macros root -l -b -q plotHistos_Znn_13TeV_BDT.C++ source results_Znn.csh

later we should do 10. Use ScaleFactorJ11.C and ScaleFactorWorkspaceJ11.C to fit scale factors. .. code:: bash set the variable indir in the scripts, reset the fitresults arrays, reset the iteration number in calc_scalefactors(...) root -l -b -q ScaleFactorJ11.C++O root -l -b -q ScaleFactorWorkspaceJ11.C++O use MaxLikelihoodFit to get the nuisances combineCards.py ZnunuHighPt_WjLF=vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_WjLF_8TeV.txt ZnunuHighPt_WjHF=vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_WjHF_8TeV.txt ZnunuHighPt_ZjLF=vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_ZjLF_8TeV.txt ZnunuHighPt_ZjHF=vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_ZjHF_8TeV.txt ZnunuHighPt_TT=vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_TT_8TeV.txt > vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt combine -M MaxLikelihoodFit -m 125 --robustFit=1 --stepSize=0.05 --rMin=-5 --rMax=5 --saveNorm vhbb_Znn_SF_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt python printNuisances.py mlfit.root

  1. Use BDTShapeJ12.C and BDTShapeWorkspaceJ12.C to get final limit and significance. set the variable indir in the scripts, adjust binning, then run root -l -b -q BDTShapeJ12.C++O root -l -b -q BDTShapeWorkspaceJ12.C++O calculate expected limit and significance combine -M Asymptotic -t -1 vhbb_Znn_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt combine -M ProfileLikelihood -m 125 --signif --pvalue -t -1 --toysFreq --expectSignal=1 vhbb_Znn_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt combine -M MaxLikelihoodFit -m 125 --robustFit=1 --stepSize=0.05 --rMin=-5 --rMax=5 --saveNorm -t -1 --toysFreq --expectSignal=1 vhbb_Znn_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt python diffNuisances.py -f html mlfit.root calculate observed limit and significance combine -M Asymptotic vhbb_Znn_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt combine -M ProfileLikelihood -m 125 --signif --pvalue vhbb_Znn_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt combine -M MaxLikelihoodFit -m 125 --robustFit=1 --stepSize=0.05 --rMin=-5 --rMax=5 --saveNorm vhbb_Znn_J11_ZnunuHighPt_8TeV.txt python diffNuisances.py -f html mlfit.root


  1. In directory tuneBDT, use prepare_tuneBDT.sh to create symbolic links. This step is only needed at the first time. edit the links if necessary source prepare_tuneBDT.sh

  2. Use BDTShapeJ12_reload.C.diff to patch BDTShapeJ12_reload.C.

the patch was created with diff -u BDTShapeJ12_reload.C.orig BDTShapeJ12_reload.C it might only work with a specific version of BDTShapeJ12.C patch -p0 < BDTShapeJ12_reload.C.diff

  1. Use run_tune.py to get commands to train and reload. edit r, n, w if necessary python run_tune.py first train, then reload

  2. Use run_combine_tune.py to calculate final limit and significance. .. code:: bash edit r, n, w, logs if necessary python run_combine_tune.py

  3. Use retrieve_combine_tune.py to store the previous results into TTrees. .. code:: bash edit r, w, logs if necessary it only does one channel at a time python run_combine_tune.py use hadd to combine the TTrees

  4. Open the combined TTree (e.g. TMVA_ZnunuHighPt_new.root), scan for the best significance. .. code:: bash root [0] fomtree->Scan("NTrees:nEventsMin:MaxDepth:COMB_limit:COMB_signif:TMVA_kolS:TMVA_kolB:USER_psig","COMB_limit<3.6 && COMB_signif>0.68")

  5. BDT binning optimization instructions pending...

  6. Find yield uncertainties (only for ZbbHinv cards). .. code:: bash edit nuisances, processes, soverb if necessary python systematica_ZbbHinv.py



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