swagatabiswas123 / HDPS-KGEC-MAJOR

HDPS-KGEC-MAJOR(Heart Disease Predection System) it is heart disease predection system using machine learning (6 models)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


HDPS-KGEC-MAJOR(Heart Disease Prediction System) is a heart disease prediction system using machine learning (6 models) if a person has heart disease or not. Hosted in Django from input from users to input from users and predict the output. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHIJcc5KlMI


HDPS-KGEC-MAJOR(Heart Disease Predection System) it is heart disease predection system using machine learning (6 models)


Language:JavaScript 40.6%Language:CSS 33.5%Language:HTML 14.9%Language:Python 11.0%