svmihar / Betting-Model-NBA

Data cleaning, feature engineering, and regression analysis.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a work in progress

current best MAE is 14.75 with RandomForestRegression

Sports betting predictive modelling project

By: PerryGraham & alden-august-wang

The initial purpose of this project is to predict the Over-Under of an NBA game.

Data collection:

Data downloaded from Kaggle from Nathan Lauga.

Data cleaning:

  • Added a point total column
  • Exculded data before 2018 season
  • Removed null values
  • Sorted by date
  • Combined data from team ranking history
  • Encoded team IDs and Season

Data insight & visuals:

  • Opened cleaned data file with Tableau to explore the dataset
    • Median total points = 221
    • Upper hinge = 235, lower hinge = 168

Feature engineering:

  • At first I only used past 2 years of data, because I thought since teams change a lot it wouldnt makes sense to take longer periods of data, of teams that dont exist anymore. However, adding the last 10 years of data helped a lot in getting better results
  • Then I tried using less features (only ones with high correlation with the target, this actually got worse results across all the model types
  • I tried manually scaling all of the data to see if that would help get better result in any of the models
  • The random forest resgression model currently yields the most accurate results out of all the regression models that I have tried

Model fitting:

Cross valiation:


svmihar's approach

problem statement

given 2 distinct teams, what is the score? f(x,y) = P(x|y)

or, to oversimplify, this is basically a recommendation engine, like the movies / books dataset.


columns: team_a, team_b, date, score


matrix factorization using apple's turicreate xgbregressor using xgboost lightgbm using lightgbm fastai collab collaborative filtering

future improvements

  • add more features
    • win streak
    • player stats (with a player scoring function)
    • ??


Data cleaning, feature engineering, and regression analysis.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 96.2%Language:Python 3.8%