svgsponer / qubic-cli

An intermediate tool to communicate to qubic core node.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Qubic Core client

An intermediate tool to communicate to qubic core node.

./qubic-cli [basic config] [Command] [command extra parameters]
-help print this message
Basic config:
        -conf <file>
                Specify configuration file. Relative paths will be prefixed by datadir location. See qubic.conf.example.
                Notice: variables in qubic.conf will be overrided by values on parameters.
        -seed <SEED>
                55-char seed private key
        -nodeip <IPv4_ADDRESS>
                IP address of the target node for querying blockchain information (default:
        -nodeport <PORT>
                Port of the target node for querying blockchain information (default: 21841)
        -scheduletick <TICK_OFFSET>
                Offset number of scheduled tick that will perform a transaction (default: 20)
                Generating identity, pubkey key from private key. Private key must be passed either from params or configuration file.
        -getbalance <IDENTITY>
                Balance of an identity (amount of qubic, number of in/out txs)
        -getasset <IDENTITY>
                Print a list of assets of an identity
        -sendtoaddress <TARGET_IDENTITY> <AMOUNT>
                Perform a standard transaction to sendData <AMOUNT> qubic to <TARGET_IDENTITY>. valid private key and node ip/port are required.
        -sendtoaddressintick <TARGET_IDENTITY> <AMOUNT> <TICK>
                Perform a standard transaction to sendData <AMOUNT> qubic to <TARGET_IDENTITY> in a specific <TICK>. A valid private key and node ip/port are required.

        -gettickdata <TICK_NUMBER> <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME>
                Get tick data and write it to a file. Use -readtickdata to examine the file. valid node ip/port are required.
        -getquorumtick <COMP_LIST_FILE> <TICK_NUMBER>
                Get quorum tick data, the summary of quorum tick will be printed, <COMP_LIST_FILE> is fetched by command -getcomputorlist. valid node ip/port are required.
        -getcomputorlist <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME>
                Get of the current epoch. Feed this data to -readtickdata to verify tick data. valid node ip/port are required.
                Print a list of node ip from a seed node ip. Valid node ip/port are required.
        -checktxontick <TICK_NUMBER> <TX_ID>
                Check if a transaction is included in a tick. valid node ip/port are required.
        -checktxonfile <TX_ID> <TICK_DATA_FILE>
                Check if a transaction is included in a tick (tick data from a file). valid node ip/port are required.
        -readtickdata <FILE_NAME> <COMPUTOR_LIST>
                Read tick data from a file, print the output on screen, COMPUTOR_LIST is required if you need to verify block data
                Perform a custom transaction (IPO, querying smart contract), valid private key and node ip/port are required.
        -dumpspectrumfile <SPECTRUM_BINARY_FILE> <OUTPUT_CSV_FILE>
                Dump spectrum file into csv.
        -dumpuniversefile <UNIVERSE_BINARY_FILE> <OUTPUT_CSV_FILE>
                Dump spectrum file into csv.
                Participating IPO (dutch auction). valid private key and node ip/port, CONTRACT_INDEX are required.
        -getipostatus <CONTRACT_INDEX>
                View IPO status. valid node ip/port, CONTRACT_INDEX are required.
                View Current System Status. Includes initial tick, random mining seed, epoch info.
                (on development)

                Show current tick information of a node
        -sendspecialcommand <COMMAND_IN_NUMBER> 
                Perform a special command to node, valid private key and node ip/port are required.
        -tooglemainaux <MODE_0> <Mode_1> 
                Remotely toogle Main/Aux mode on node,valid private key and node ip/port are required.
                <MODE_0> and <MODE_1> value are: MAIN or AUX
        -setsolutionthreshold <EPOCH> <SOLUTION_THRESHOLD> 
                Remotely set solution threshold for future epoch,valid private key and node ip/port are required.
                (equivalent to F4) Remotely refresh the peer list of node, all current connections will be closed after this command is sent, valid private key and node ip/port are required.
                (equivalent to F5) Remotely force next tick on node to be empty, valid private key and node ip/port are required.
                (equivalent to F9) Remotely re-issue (re-send) vote on node, valid private key and node ip/port are required.
        -sendrawpacket <DATA_IN_HEX> <SIZE>
                Send a raw packet to nodeip. Valid node ip/port are required.
        -getlogfromnode <PASSCODE_0> <PASSCODE_1> <PASSCODE_2> <PASSCODE_3>
                Fetch a single log line from the node. Valid node ip/port, passcodes are required.
                Sync node time with local time, valid private key and node ip/port are required. Make sure that your local time is synced (with NTP)!

                Show current Qx fee.
                Create an asset via Qx contract.
                Transfer an asset via Qx contract.
        -qxorder add/remove bid/ask [ISSUER (in qubic format)] [ASSET_NAME] [PRICE] [NUMBER_OF_SHARE]
                Set order on Qx.
        -qxgetorder entity/asset bid/ask [ISSUER/ENTITY (in qubic format)] [ASSET_NAME (NULL for requesting entity)] [OFFSET]
                Get orders on Qx

                Show current qtry fee.
                Issue a bet (prompt mode)
                Show all active bet id.
        -qtrygetactivebetbycreator <BET_CREATOR_ID>
                Show all active bet id of an ID.
        -qtrygetbetinfo <BET_ID>
                Get meta information of a bet
        -qtrygetbetdetail <BET_ID> <OPTION_ID>
                Get a list of IDs that bet on <OPTION_ID> of the bet <BET_ID>
                Join a bet
        -qtrypublishresult <BET_ID> <WIN_OPTION>
                (Oracle providers only) publish a result for a bet
        -qtrycancelbet <BET_ID>
                (Game operator only) cancel a bet


mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ../;


To get current tick of a node:

./qubic-cli -nodeip -getcurrenttick

example return:

Tick: 10660587
Epoch: 82
Number Of Aligned Votes: 0
Number Of Misaligned Votes: 0

Dump publickey, privatekey and identity: ./qubic-cli -seed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -showkeys

example return:

Seed: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Private key: 62506d370a4e9f42720269c0c973a544de0b6559bda46d1d8dd2fcda9fe4fada
Public key: 1f590d03e613bdded38b4c0820ac44615f91af12435980b3ede3c08c315a2544

Send coin:

./qubic-cli -nodeip -seed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -sendtoaddress AFZPUAIYVPNUYGJRQVLUKOPPVLHAZQTGLYAAUUNBXFTVTAMSBKQBLEIEPCVJ 1

Send special command to node:

./qubic-cli -nodeip -seed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -sendspecialcommand 123

Dump tick data to a file:

./qubic-cli -nodeip -gettickdata 10600000 10600000.bin

Read tick data file:

./qubic-cli -readtickdata 10600000.bin

Check tx on tick data file:

./qubic-cli -checktxonfile TX_HASH 10600000.bin

Check tx on online:

./qubic-cli -nodeip -checktxontick 10600000 TX_HASH

More information, please read the help. ./qubic-cli -help

NOTE: PROPER ACTIONS are needed if you use this tool as a replacement for qubic wallet. Please use it with caution.


An intermediate tool to communicate to qubic core node.


Language:C++ 95.9%Language:C 3.9%Language:CMake 0.2%