svendroid / sublime-jekyll

A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.

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A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites. This package should help maintaining Jekyll sites and posts easier by providing access to new post/draft shortcuts, key template tags and filters, as well as common completions and a current date/datetime command (for dating posts).

New in this Release

The 2.0 release brings some brand new commands for creating posts and drafts, as well as the ability to set per-project settings for paths and defaults. Also added is the ability to access existing posts from the Command Palette for making quick edits.


Package Control

You can install this package using Package Control from

  • Press ctrl+shift+p (Windows/Linux) or command+shift+p (OS X) to bring up the Command Palette (or use Tools > Command Palette menu)
  • Type to search for the Package Control: Install Package command
  • Search packages for Jekyll and hit enter to install
  • NOTE: You may need to restart in order to use this package


Clone or download the contents of this repo into your Sublime Text Packages folder.

  • OS X: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages

After Installing...

After installing this package, make sure you configure your User settings file. The most important piece of this is to set your posts_path location. This can also be set on a per-project basis later if you have multiple Jekyll sites you wish to manage.


    // This should point to your "_posts" directory.
    // NOTE: This should be an absolute path. Also, the path should
    // match your system convention. For example, Windows machines should
    // have a path similar to "C:\\Users\\username\\site\\_posts".
    // *nix systems should have a path similar to "/Users/username/site/_posts".
    "posts_path": "",

    // This should point to your "_drafts" directory.
    // NOTE: This should be an absolute path. Also, the path should
    // match your system convention. For example, Windows machines should
    // have a path similar to "C:\\Users\\username\\site\\_drafts".
    // *nix systems should have a path similar to "/Users/username/site/_drafts".
    "drafts_path": "",

    // This string value should represent the default syntax for a new post.
    // Valid options are: "Markdown", "Textile"
    "default_post_syntax": "Markdown",

    // This string value should represent the default layout for new posts.
    "default_post_layout": "",

    // This value should represent the default categories for new posts.
    // Each category should be entered as a list item in string format
    // with commas separating values ["cat1", "cat2"].
    "default_post_categories": [],

    // This value should represent the default tags for new posts.
    // Each tag should be entered as a list item in string format
    // with commas separating values ["tag1", "tag2"].
    "default_post_tags": [],

    // A boolean specifying if you want new posts to be marked as published.
    "default_post_published": true,

    // A valid Python strftime string
    "insert_date_format": "%Y-%m-%d",

    // A valid Python strftime string
    "insert_datetime_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"


For per-project settings, make sure you add your Jekyll settings correctly:

            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/Users/username/site/"

            "posts_path": "/Users/username/site/_posts",
            "drafts_path": "/Users/username/site/_drafts",

What's Included



Theme: Centurion Color Scheme: Tomorrow Night Font: Source Code Pro


  • HTML (Jekyll)
  • JSON (Jekyll)
  • Markdown (Jekyll)
  • Textile (Jekyll)

Commands & Key Bindings

  • Jekyll: New post => CMD+K, CMD+P
  • Jekyll: New draft => CMD+K, CMD+F
  • Jekyll: Insert current date => CMD+K, CMD+D
  • Jekyll: Insert current datetime => CMD+K, CMD+T
  • Jekyll: Open post...
  • Jekyll: Open draft...
  • Jekyll: Promote draft to post...

There are default key bindings for some commands above, however you can re-assign them in your user key bindings file (Preferences > Package Settings > Jekyll > Key Bindings – User).


  • assign: {% assign a = b %}

  • capture: {% capture %}{% endcapture %}

  • case: {% case %}{% endcase %}

  • comment: {% comment %}{% endcomment %}

  • va: {{ variable }}

  • cycle: {% cycle %}

  • elsif: {% elsif %}

  • for: {% for item in list %}{% endfor %}

  • front-matter:

    layout: post
    published: true
    categories: []
    tags: []
  • gist: {% gist url %}

  • highlight: {% highlight syntax|linenos %}{% endhighlight %}

  • if: {% if this %}{% endif %}

  • ifelse: {% if this %}{% else %}{% endif %}

  • include: {% include this.html %}

  • post_url: {% post_url url %}

  • raw: {% raw %}{% endraw %}

  • unless: {% unless this %}{% endunless %}

  • when: {% when this %}



  • page
    • page.categories
    • page.content
    • page.excerpt
    • page.path
    • page.tags
    • page.title
    • page.url
  • paginator
    • paginator.next_page
    • paginator.next_page_path
    • paginator.per_page
    • paginator.posts
    • paginator.previous_page
    • paginator.previous_page_path
    • paginator.total_pages
    • paginator.total_posts
  • site
    • site.domain
    • site.feed_url
    • site.pages
    • site.permalink
    • site.posts
    • site.sitemap_url
    • site.time
    • site.related_posts
    • site.categories
    • site.tags


  • append
  • array_to_sentence_string
  • camelize
  • capitalize
  • cgi_escape
  • date
  • date_to_long_string
  • date_to_rfc822
  • date_to_string
  • date_to_xmlschema
  • divided_by
  • downcase
  • escape
  • first
  • group_by
  • handleize
  • highlight_active_tag
  • img_tag
  • join
  • json
  • jsonify
  • last
  • link_to
  • markdownify
  • minus
  • money
  • money_with_currency
  • money_without_currency
  • newline_to_br
  • number_of_words
  • pluralize
  • plus
  • prepend
  • remove
  • remove_first
  • replace
  • replace_first
  • script_tag
  • size
  • sort
  • split
  • strip_html
  • strip_newlines
  • stylesheet_tag
  • textilize
  • times
  • trim
  • truncate
  • truncatewords
  • upcase
  • uri_escape
  • weight_with_unit
  • where
  • xml_escape

Build Systems

If desired, you can add a custom Jekyll build system to your Sublime projects. This allows you to create a specific build system for each Jekyll project you're working on. From what I can tell, a project-specific build system needs to be used, as opposed to a standard build system. This is because the jekyll CLT command must be run from the main Jekyll folder that contains the _config.yml file (which cannot be guaranteed to be the current project folder).

        // This will build your Jekyll site, and print a trace to the console
            "name": "Jekyll",
            // Change this directory to match your top-level Jekyll project folder
            "working_dir": "/path/to/jekyll/project/root",
            "cmd": "jekyll build -t",
            "shell": true,
            "encoding": "UTF-8"


Feel free to open the files in Tests to view the syntax highlighting, snippets, and completions, and to test adding the date commands.


Much of this package would not have been possible without the help (mostly unsolicited) of many community members and open source packages. A big part of my learning experience has been reviewing source code from some really great packages to get ideas for my own uses. I've listed some of those packages below - please visit them and use them as you see fit!






  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Create a branch git checkout -b my_feature
  3. Commit your changes git commit -am "Added Feature"
  4. Push to the branch git push origin my_feature
  5. Open a Pull Request


A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.

License:MIT License