suwat513 / coderone-floth

3rd place from [Dungeons & Data Structures: Coder One AI Sports Challenge](

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Dungeons & Data Structures: Coder One AI Sports Challenge

3rd place from Dungeons & Data Structures: Coder One AI Sports Challenge

BIO: Floth - The fastest Sloth (The Three toes Assassin!)

  • Use A* Search approach to find the shortest path from agent to the target tile
  • Heuristic function used Manhattan Distance (City Block)
  • But just A* Search is not enough since there are many scenarios and targets
  • Calculate the score of each tiles in the game to determine the targets
  • Add some special check for bomb and ore block
  • Kill the slow starter and Assassinate when there is a chance!!!!

Note: I haven't clean up the code might be a bit hard to read

Floth Version

  • (initial version for testing the strategy)
  • (redo the whole core strategy from scenario based to point based)
  • (bug fix for bomb tick checking)
  • (bug fix for ore block hp checking)


This is a python project and valid Python3 installation is required to run it. If you don't have have python installed on your machine, please go to python the official python web site pt and follow installation instructions for your operating system.


There are a number of ways to install the project. Easies is to use intallation package. Download latest avaialble release from github release page.


Assuming ~/workspace is the directory you want to use to delevop your AI-agent: Open terminal and run

# Create a working directory for your project:
> mkdir -p ~/workspace/my-agent

# Change into that directory
> cd ~/workspace/my-agent

# Create a python virtual environment. Lets call it venv
> python3 -m venv venv
# Activate your new python environment
> source venv/bin/activate

# Install CoderOne Dungen module you have previously downloaded:
> pip install ~/Downloads/coderone-challenge-dungeons-0.1.5.tar.gz

Once you have working installation you can start working on your AI-agent.

coderone-dungeon --interactive --watch my_agent


Windows installation follows similar steps as other operating system. It is possible that you might need to use an alternative way to start the game, instead of realying on the convenice wraper codeone-dungeon

> python -m coderone.dungeon.main

Running a game

Once all game dependencies properly installed, the game can be launched using command line:

python -m coderone.dungeon.main

There a number of command line option support by the game driver. To get a full list of options run:

python -m coderone.dungeon.main --help

Commandline options summory

Game runner recognises a number of command line options. use python -m coderone.dungeon.main --help to get a list of supported options.

  • --headless - run the game without graphics. Tournament matches will be run in this mode.
  • --interactive - game is created with extra player for the interactive user. This player can be controlled using keyboard.
  • --watch - automatically reload user agent if source code files changes. This allows for interactive development as code can be edited while the game is running.
  • --record <FILE> - record game action into a specified file for later review.

Interactive mode keys:

  • Enter - to pause / un-pause the game
  • r - to restart the game with new random map
  • / / / - arrows to move the player
  • <SPACE> - to place the bomb

Game modes

There are 3 main modes to run the game:

  • Interactive mode - when a human player can particiapate in a match This is a 'normal' game mode when a human user can play the game with the keyboard the game to explore it. This mode requires at least one bot.
  • Match - two or more* AI agents play a game without human participant.
  • 'Headless' match - the game is played by bots with no human participant without graphics output. This is the mode used to run a tornamanet.

By default, game runs in a tornament mode, without user input, with graphics output. For example, to ran a random match between two AI agent "" and "", run:


Agent with multiple files code are also supported. Keep in mind that a proper python modules must include file.

Config options

On the first run the game will generate default config file config.json and store in the OS-specific configuation directory.

Default config looks like this:

	"headless": false,
	"interactive": false,
	"start_paused": true,
	"wait_end": 5,
	"max_iterations": 3000,
	"tick_step": 0.10

Config notes

In your local developemnt environemnt you have access to all config options, such as nubmer of iteration the game runs (max_iterations) or game update time step (tick_step). However, this options are fixed in the tournamtent and can not be modified so please don't rely on this values.

Known issues

Python library used for graphics has some known issues. If you experience a game crash with error like:

munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)

Add the following option to your config.json

 "no_text": true,

This options disables all texts in the game which resolves library crashes.

On ARM you python Arcade fails to install without FFI. Install it via:

> sudo apt install libffi-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev libopenjp2-7-dev zlib1g-dev \
    libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python3-tk \
    libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev libxcb1-dev


Clone this git repository:

git clone

Open termnial and run following commands

> cd <git check-out>
> python3 -m venv venv
> source venv/bin/activate
> pip install -r coderone/dungeon/requirements.txt


As we strive to build AI sport games we welcome all contributions to improve the experience for all participants.

Feel free to raise an issue in the github repository if you experiece any issue or would like to send a suggestion.


HUMANS at Coder One:


3rd place from [Dungeons & Data Structures: Coder One AI Sports Challenge](

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%