sush0408 / nx-tiny-app-project

Tiny Angular application project in an Nx workspace.

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Tiny Angular application project in an Nx workspace.

  1. npx create-nx-workspace workspace --cli=angular --preset=angular --appName=tiny-app --style=scss
  2. nx update @angular/cli @angular/core

Assets workspace library

  1. nx generate library assets --directory=shared --tags="scope:shared,type:assets" --style=scss
  2. Remove the architect targets (lint and test) of the shared-assets project in angular.json:
  "projects": {
    "shared-assets": {
      "architect": {}
  1. npx rimraf ./apps/tiny-app/src/assets ./libs/shared/assets/*.js ./libs/shared/assets/*.json ./libs/shared/assets/src/*.* ./libs/shared/assets/src/lib
  2. "# shared-assets" > ./libs/shared/assets/
  3. npx mkdirp ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/fonts ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/icons ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/images
"" > ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/fonts/.gitkeep
"" > ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/icons/.gitkeep
"" > ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/images/.gitkeep
  1. mv ./apps/tiny-app/src/favicon.ico ./libs/shared/assets/src
  2. In the build architect target of the tiny-app project in angular.json, replace the assets option with these two entries:
  "projects": {
    "tiny-app": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "assets": [
                "glob": "favicon.ico",
                "input": "libs/shared/assets/src",
                "output": ""
                "glob": "**/*",
                "input": "libs/shared/assets/src/assets",
                "output": "assets"
  1. npx -p wget-improved nwget -O ./libs/shared/assets/src/assets/images/nx-logo-white.svg
  2. In app.component.html, replace the src attribute of the logo image element with "/assets/images/nx-logo-white.svg".

Styles workspace library

  1. nx generate library styles --directory=shared --tags="scope:shared,type:styles" --style=scss
  2. Remove the architect targets (lint and test) of the shared-styles project in angular.json:
  "projects": {
    "shared-styles": {
      "architect": {}
  1. npx rimraf ./libs/shared/styles/*.js ./libs/shared/styles/*.json ./libs/shared/styles/src/*.* ./libs/shared/styles/src/lib/*.*
  2. "# shared-styles" > ./libs/shared/styles/
  3. mv ./apps/tiny-app/src/styles.scss ./libs/shared/styles/src/lib/_global.scss
  4. "@import './lib/global';" > ./libs/shared/styles/src/index.scss
  5. In the build architect target of the tiny-app project in angular.json, replace the styles option with this entry:
  "projects": {
    "tiny-app": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "styles": [

Environments workspace library

  1. nx generate library environments --directory=shared --tags="scope:shared,type:environments" --style=scss
  2. npx rimraf ./libs/shared/environments/src/lib/*.*
  3. mv ./apps/tiny-app/src/environments/*.* ./libs/shared/environments/src/lib
  4. "export * from './lib/environment';" > ./libs/shared/environments/src/index.ts
  5. npx rimraf ./apps/tiny-app/src/environments
  6. In the build architect target of the tiny-app project in angular.json, replace the fileReplacements option in the production configuration with this entry:
  "projects": {
    "tiny-app": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "configurations": {
            "production": {
              "fileReplacements": [
                  "replace": "libs/shared/environments/src/lib/environment.ts",
                  "with": "libs/shared/environments/src/lib/"
  1. In main.ts, replace the environment import statement with the following:
import { environment } from '@workspace/shared/environments';

Configure Nx workspace

  1. Add these two implicitDependencies entries to the tiny-app project in nx.json:
  "projects": {
    "tiny-app": {
      "implicitDependencies": [


Tiny Angular application project in an Nx workspace.


Language:TypeScript 57.1%Language:HTML 16.9%Language:JavaScript 13.0%Language:CSS 13.0%