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(Coursera specialization)[]

Editor on book

The first is whether or not they feel the manuscript is well written and informative or entertaining. The second is whether or not they think it can secure a wide enough distribution to booksellers—and then attract enough consumers to generate sufficient revenue. The third is whether or not the author has a platform and is promotable.

Colearner's takeaway from NY writing workshop

The Preferred Length Novel: 300-350 pages Short Story: 15-20 pages

Habits of Highly Successful Writers

  • Create a schedule: make a habit of it. Our teacher told us that she gets up at 5 a.m. every day so that she can write uninterrupted by her day.
  • Write about what’s important to you. What do you stay up late at night thinking about?
  • Dream about the potential. If you can’t dream it, you can’t achieve it.
  • Read, Read, Read. For every hour you spend writing, you should be reading for 30 minutes. You have to learn from those before you.

Exercise to Try at Home:

Take a book that you love and appreciate the way it was written — something that you flew through and could follow easily. Then, dissect that novel by creating a notecard for each chapter of that book. Write what happened so that you could follow the succession of events by flipping through the notecards. Then, when you go to write your own novel, you have an idea of how much should happen in each chapter. “There’s no need to recreate the wheel.”
