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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g


Below is an example of how you can instruct your audience on installing and setting up your app. This template doesn't rely on any external dependencies or services.

  1. Get a free API Key at
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone
  3. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  4. Enter your API in config.js
    const API_KEY = 'ENTER YOUR API';

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Use this space to show useful examples of how a project can be used. Additional screenshots, code examples and demos work well in this space. You may also link to more resources.

For more examples, please refer to the Documentation

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  • Add Changelog
  • Add back to top links
  • Add Additional Templates w/ Examples
  • Add "components" document to easily copy & paste sections of the readme
  • Multi-language Support
    • Chinese
    • Spanish


Distributed under the GPLv3 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Craig Ellrod - @technicalmarketingdude

Project Link:

Built With

This section should list any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap your project. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.

  • Next
  • React
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • Svelte
  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


License:GNU General Public License v3.0