surekashreya / Selenium_Notes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A framework defines teams way of doing things ‘common standard’ It Achieves • Easy to maintain. • Data Driven tests. • Meaningful reporting – automatically generate reports and can be easily understand by others • Standard and consistent coding- there should be standard coding throughout the project code conventions, loggers etc. • Encapsulation of UI interactions – test methods are imposed to implemented libraries of the framework. No direct interaction of test method with the UI. • Maximize code re-usability – can be used by others. We should always use the DRY principle.

Page Object Model? • A design pattern that has become famous in selenium test framework. • A page object wraps an html page with APIs, that allows us to work with page element. • A page object should encapsulate the code used to find and manipulate the data/elements in the page itself. • It enhances the test maintenance and reduces the code duplication. • Page object will have a wrapper kind of thing that will interact with our web application and interface to interact with it. • Test class will only call the method, but the page object will have all the methods to interact. Advantage Code reusability- write once and use it in different tests. Code Maintainability- There is a clean separation between test code and page specific code. Efficient – shorten the learning curve for the testers and help QA teams meet timelines. Readability- Improves readability due to clean separation between test code and page specific code .

Data Driven - Testing your application with different datasets for e.g., Login feature – with different validations like long pass, short pass, without special character.
