suraz37 / import-data

Simple script that retrieves only Csv file from a URL and imports data into database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Import data Travis

Simple script that retrieves file from a URL and imports data into database


  • PHP 7.0.8
  • Sqlite or mysql

Directory Descriptions

Directory Remarks
src/demo/DownloadCommand Command class
src/demo/CsvReader Read from csv and migrate
src/demo/Entity Model class.
src/demo/Repository Repository Class.
src/demo/Downloader Downloader Class with source url and destination path.
src/demo/Exception Exception Handler.
src/demo/Transformer Data mapper.
tests Test cases.

File Descriptions

File Remarks
public/index.php Start application file
public/dump.sql Database script
public/config.php Database configuration
composer.json php package configuration
.travis.yml CI configuration file
public/create-csv.php Create require number of line in csv file, for testing


Install dev dependencies

$ composer install


  1. Create database and table from script
  1. Database configuration


Script to run application

$ php public/index.php app:download-file http://localhost:3000/public/quick-orders.csv

script Descriptions

script Remarks
php Execute
public/index.php Start application
app:download-file Command
http://localhost:3000/public/quick-orders.csv File url

Output Response.

Downloading file
Source : http://localhost:3000/public/quick-orders.csv
Total Data import: 1000

Run the tests

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Folder Structure

├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── phpunit.xml
├── public
│   ├── config.php
│   ├── dump.sql
│   ├── index.php
│   └── quick-orders.csv
├── src
│   └── App
│       └── Demo
│           ├── Command
│           │   └── DownloadFileCommand.php
│           ├── CsvReader
│           │   ├── Migration.php
│           │   └── Reader.php
│           ├── DbConnection.php
│           ├── Downloader
│           │   └── StreamDownloader.php
│           ├── Entity
│           │   ├── Model.php
│           │   ├── Order.php
│           │   └── Product.php
│           ├── Exception
│           │   ├── DownloaderException.php
│           │   └── MigrationException.php
│           ├── Repository
│           │   ├── OrderRepository.php
│           │   └── ProductRepository.php
│           └── Transformer
│               └── CsvTransformer.php
└── tests
    └── App
        └── Demo
            ├── Command
            │   └── DownloadFileCommandTest.php
            ├── CsvReader
            │   └── MigrationTest.php
            ├── Downloader
            │   └── StreamDownloaderTest.php
            ├── Repository
            │   ├── OrderRepositoryTest.php
            │   └── ProductRepositoryTest.php
            └── Transformer
                └── CsvTransformerTest.php


Simple script that retrieves only Csv file from a URL and imports data into database


Language:PHP 100.0%