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Lastfm scrobblers making library

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Lastfm scrobblers making library

What's scrobbling?

Scrobbling is a way to send information about the music a user is listening to. A client is anything that plays music, such as desktop music players, mobile apps, websites, etc.

From scrobbling guide

What the simplest possible scrobbler looks like?

We do not provide magic ∷ IO () to solve any scrobbling problem you may encounter, but you can make working scrobbler simply by composing the relevant parts:

import Control.Scrobbler
import Control.Scrobbler.Algorithm.MPD

main  IO ()
main = scrobbler $
    scrobble credentials
  . contest
  . updateNowPlaying credentials
  . candidate

Each part does roughly what its name says. But to actually explain this, we need to explain Scrobbler first

Wait, what's Scrobbler?

I assume you are familiar with netwire, but if not, there is excerpt from it:

data Wire e m a b
    = WGen (Time  a  m (Either e b, Wire e m a b))

type Scrobbler a b = Wire ScrobblerError IO a b

So, you can think of Scrobbler as of glorified function of type a → IO b that may "error" and also has some "internal state". So,

What are parts our scrobbler is composed of?

First, some helper types definitions (they are all just for descriptive names):

data PlayerStateChange a = Started a | Stopped -- isomorphic to Maybe
newtype Scrobble a       = Scrobble a          -- isomorphic to Identity
newtype Successes a      = Successes [a]       -- isomorphic to []

Next, the meat of scrobbling, - track information:

data Track = Track
  { start   Int64 -- track start time
  , title   Text  -- title
  , artist  Text  -- artist
  , album   Text  -- album title
  , length  Int64 -- length
  , local   Int64 -- local time

Okay, we are all set, let's describe provided Scrobblers:

Getting scrobblers candidates

candidate  Scrobbler Time (PlayerStateChange Track)

That wire repeatedly asks player (in our example above, that player would be MPD) if its state was changed.

Player may respond with 3 different answers:

  1. No, my state wasn't changed
  2. Yes, I started playing some track
  3. Yes, I stopped playing

Update profile status

updateNowPlaying  Credentials  Scrobbler (PlayerStateChange Track) (PlayerStateChange Track)`

That wire notifies about changes in player state (only if it worths it: surely nobody wants to know you stopped playing music) and passes its argument further

Test if track is worth scrobbling

contest  Scrobbler (PlayerStateChange Track) (Scrobble Track)

That wire has internal state: previously played track. If player started the new one or stopped, we want to know if that previously played track is worth scrobbling. There are 2 choices there:

  1. Yes. So we return the previous track
  2. No. So nothing happens

Finally, scrobble track

scrobble  Credentials  Scrobbler (Scrobble Track) (Successes Track)

That wire tries to scrobble incoming Track and also all previous failures (if any) Yes, scrobbling may fail for variety of reasons, so we need to store failures for some time.


Now example scrobbler should be clear: (scrobbler is just a kind of main loop)

main  IO ()
main = scrobbler $
    scrobble credentials
  . contest
  . updateNowPlaying credentials
  . candidate

Casual example is basically this but also with some debug information included.

Advanced stuff


You can split your scrobbler in parts, if you don't like having your lastfm information on machine where player is started. Or, for example, you want to have one scrobbler for all players. Or something like that

  • Serialization

    deserialize  Serialize b  Scrobbler ByteString b
    serialize    Serialize a  Scrobbler a ByteString

    serialize and deserialize wires help with serialization of any stuff you can get in the process of scrobbling

  • Communication


    data Failures = Drop | Preserve
    data NetworkSettings = NetworkSettings
      { host      HostName
      , port      PortID
      , failures  Failures
    send     NetworkSettings  Scrobbler ByteString ()
    receive  NetworkSettings  Scrobbler () ByteString

    send sends data to specified host and port. Also it takes into account failure treating policy: if it's to Drop failures, then every send is successful, otherwise it's Preserve and every failed sending accumulates data that it tries to resubmit on next activation

    receive only cares about port part of settings


Lastfm scrobblers making library

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Haskell 95.4%Language:Nix 4.6%