supertrens / brightwheel_interview_temp

Device Readings Interview Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Brightwheel Device Readings Interview Project

A simple express web API on Node 18.x writing in TypeScript that receives and processes device readings.

System Requirements

  • node 16 || 18
  • npm v8.16.0 or greater

All of these must be available in your PATH. To verify things are set up properly, you can run this:

node --version
npm --version

If they are not installed on your system, you can :

  • Install nvm
    • Then use nvm to install Node.js (Node 18.x, latest):
      nvm install --lts

Running the app

To install required npm packages:

npm install

To run locally:

npm run start:local

To develop locally:

npm run start:dev

To run on prod

npm run build
npm start

To run test

npm run build
npm test

Brightwheel Interview API endpoints

base_url http://localhost:3000/v1

  • Devices

    • POST /devices Create/Update a device entry
      • body example:
      "id": "36d5658a-6908-479e-887e-a949ec199272",
      "readings": [
          "timestamp": "2021-09-29T16:08:15+01:00",
          "count": 2
          "timestamp": "2021-09-29T16:09:15+01:00",
          "count": 15
    • GET /devices/:deviceId Find a device
    • GET /devices/:deviceId/cumulative show the total reading for a device
    • GET /devices/:deviceId/latest show the latest read time for a device

Improvements (Todos)


  • Add authentication/authorization in front of above endpoints so that we could scope user access.
  • Improve error handling. We currently have basic NOT_FOUND error in some handlers but all other errors are catch through a global catch that will return 500.
  • Improve request validation. For now we have basic validation that check the body on POST /devices
  • Improve test coverage. For now we only have basic "happy path" coverage for the units and integration tests.


  • To fullfil the project requirements, I followed the response pattern expected. However, before moving to production we should have a standarize response format. For now the API return value can take different shape such as:

    • {data: {...}}
    • {key: value}
    • {}
  • GET /devices/:deviceId/cumulative and GET /devices/:deviceId/latest might be expensive operation. It would be a good idea to implement some caching strategies write-through with a read-through cache to set the latest reading and the cumulative read value in-memory on POST /devices . Like this we would always have those values pre-compute for all the subsequent request where always hit the cache.

  • Set an in memory db (example: redis) that will write to a persistent db such as postgres

  • Dockerize the application to facilitate smoother onboarding

Project Structure

  • src/

    • __tests__/ e2e test suites for all the endpoints
    • handlers/ the "service" handlers. The only place we interact with the db. The controller can consume those handlers to respond to the requests.
    • utils\
      • __tests__\ unit test for files in this module
      • db.ts Our in memory DB implementation
      • helpers.ts functions that help us fulfill the request
      • interface.ts common interface
      • validation.ts validation function
    • router.ts The device router where we can find all allowed endpoints
    • server.ts We init and configure the app in this file. This is where we add the global middleware for logging / body parser etc...
  • We also have a couple of root files to configure toolings:

    • jest.config.js for jest (testing)
    • tsconfig.json for compiling/transpaling (TS to JS)
    • tslint.json some linting rules to keep the codebase unify


Device Readings Interview Project


Language:TypeScript 98.9%Language:JavaScript 1.1%