superterran / magento-phpserver

local development like a normal platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This magento2 modules provides a series of bin/magento commands to manage php's built in webserver for a high-performance local instance for development. This also provides database and elasticsearch through a docker composition that it tries to manage for you.

The major advantage to this approach for local development is that php is not containerized, it is instead running directly on the "bare-metal". This means that Magento runs natively on the hardware unlocking the full speed potential, and avoids all the docker volume woes in MacOS which make even simple tasks a real hassle. This setup does not use mutagen, nor does it rely on volume mounting of any kind for the codebase.


This works like an ordinary magento module, but it requires php, docker and docker-compose.

The author also uses direnv to manage the environment variables required for use, check out .envrc.sample for defaults.

    brew install php@8.1 direnv

You can install the magento-phpserver package through composer...

    composer require --dev superterran/magento-phpserver
    cp vendor/superterran/magento-phpserver/.envrc.sample .envrc && direnv allow

Setting Up Magento

Once installed, run bin/magneto to trigger the database and elasticsearch services. These launch as a background process.

    bin/magento configure

configure will trigger setup:install. Magento's setup:install and create config.php and env.php. This process isn't destructive to existing data.

In the future, this step will also request a path to a mysql dump for import.


Once configured, you should find that bin/magento commands will run in your local session. To open a local webserver for local development, simply do the following:

    bin/magento serve

This will provide a URL (see the .envrc) where you can pull up the site in a browser. As php is running "bare-metal" any file-system changes you make will be immediate. To shutdown the backend, simply run:

    bin/magneto down

PHP Concurrency

With somtething like homebrew or phpbrew, this tool can be used between Magento projects with different php versions.

    brew install php@7.4 # let's bring in php 7.4 
    brew link php@7.4 # let's use it system-wide, useful for magento-cloud-cli

    brew install php@8.1.6 # we want to build our sites using the latest version of php
    cd path/to/8.1-based-project/webroot

set PHPSERVER_PHP_VERSION=8.1.6 in .envrc and run direnv allow to update session variables

    composer install && bin/magento # commands run in php 8.1! 

You can still usee global php services written for older versions, such as:

    cd ~
    magento-cloud login # runs without warnings in the system-wide 7.4 version


Contributions are welcome! Open an issue if you have a problem or a suggestion, or feel free to fork and open a PR!


local development like a normal platform


Language:PHP 100.0%