Tested with CPH1707EX, CPH1611EX OTA Zip and Python 3.6
- ozipdecrypt.py : Decrypt Oppo .ozip to .zip
- decrypt.py : Decrypts any part of the firmware
Based on python >=3.6
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- OTA OZIP decryption:
./ozipdecrypt.py CPH1707EX_OTA_0070_all.ozip
File will be decrypted as *.zip or boot.img.dec
Share, modify and use as you like, but refer the original author !
For a tutorial on aes key extraction, head over here.
For extraction of libpatchapply.so or /sbin/recovery, use:
./ofp_libextract.py [your_ofp_file]
If you're getting a recovery.cpio.7z file, extract using 7z to get the /sbin/recovery file.