supernovel / flutter_web_auth

Flutter plugin for authenticating a user with a web service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Auth for Flutter

A Flutter plugin for authenticating a user with a web service, even if the web service is run by a third party. Most commonly used with OAuth2, but can be used with any web flow that can redirect to a custom scheme.

In the background, this plugin uses ASWebAuthenticationSession on iOS 12 and newer, SFAuthenticationSession on iOS 11, and Chrome Custom Tabs on Android.

iOS Android
iOS Android


To authenticate against your own custom site:

import 'package:flutter_web_auth/flutter_web_auth.dart';

// Present the dialog to the user
final result = await FlutterWebAuth.authenticate(url: "", callbackUrlScheme: "my-custom-app");

// Extract token from resulting url
final token = Uri.parse(result).queryParameters['token']

To authenticate the user using Google's OAuth2:

import 'package:flutter_web_auth/flutter_web_auth.dart';

import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

// App specific variables
final googleClientId = '';
final callbackUrlScheme = 'com.googleusercontent.apps.XXXXXXXXXXXX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

// Construct the url
final url = Uri.https('', '/o/oauth2/v2/auth', {
  'response_type': 'code',
  'client_id': googleClientId,
  'redirect_uri': '$callbackUrlScheme:/',
  'scope': 'email',

// Present the dialog to the user
final result = await FlutterWebAuth.authenticate(url: url.toString(), callbackUrlScheme: callbackUrlScheme);

// Extract code from resulting url
final code = Uri.parse(result).queryParameters['code'];

// Use this code to get an access token
final response = await'', body: {
  'client_id': googleClientId,
  'redirect_uri': '$callbackUrlScheme:/',
  'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
  'code': code,

// Get the access token from the response
final accessToken = jsonDecode(response.body)['access_token'] as String;


Setup works as for any Flutter plugin, expect the Android caveat outlined below:


In order to capture the callback url, the following activity needs to be added to your AndroidManifest.xml. Be sure to relpace YOUR_CALLBACK_URL_SCHEME_HERE with your actual callback url scheme.


    <activity android:name="com.linusu.flutter_web_auth.CallbackActivity" >
      <intent-filter android:label="flutter_web_auth">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="YOUR_CALLBACK_URL_SCHEME_HERE" />



Flutter plugin for authenticating a user with a web service

License:MIT License


Language:Kotlin 32.8%Language:Dart 29.3%Language:Swift 20.4%Language:Ruby 15.3%Language:Objective-C 2.1%