supermalang /

This Ansible role is for deploying and managing a Rapidpro service and all its components in a dockerized environment

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This Ansible role is for deploying and managing a Rapidpro service and all its components (Django App, Celery, Mailroom, Indexer, Courier, Archiver, Redis, Postgres, Elasticsearch) with version 7.0.4 (only supported version for now). It is intended to be used with the Ansible Tower and the Platform already deployed (with all it's components).
However if you want to use command create and manage odoo instances from the command line, with the Platform already deployed, you can use the following:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i production --tags "deployrapidpro" --extra-vars "organization=xaymalabs instancename=messageflow" --vault-pass-file "vault_password" -K

You need to know that when using the CLI way, the instance's addon folder will not be created by default and it might lead to some errors. In that situation you will need to create the addon folder manually.


  • Deployment of the Platform. Otherwise this is completely useless.
  • Make sure to use the secret vault password temba 😎. Can be a file (if you are using CLI) or a credential record in Ansible Tower.

Role Tags

You can use this role with the following tags:

Tag Description
deployrapidpro To create a new service deployment of RapidPro
stopservice To stop the service
startservice To start the service
suspendservice To suspend the service (stop and display a "suspended" page in the browser
editservicedomainname To change the main domain name of the service

Role Variables

You can customize you instance by using thes variables

Tag Description
organization The customer for which the instance is being created (should be one single word with no special characters)
instancename The name of the instance (should be one single word with no special characters)
domain The domain name to which the instance will be bound
version The version the Rapidpro service that will be deployed. Defaults to 7.0.4 (Only supported version for now)


All dependencies should be already installed during the deployment of the platform.

Post installation tasks

After installation you need to log in to the container hosting the Django App (ending by _app) and create a supersuser. Use commands below

docker exec -it xaymalabs_rapidpro7_app bash

Please make sure to use the right container name

The once are in your container shell, create the superuser.

/venv/bin/python createsuperuser

Now use the Rapidpro documentation to create your Organizations and users, and configure the platform.



Author Information

  • Elhadji Malang Diedhiou
    For the past seve years I have been helping businesses to increase efficiency, using automation tools. I am passionate in learning and sharing.
    More about me:


This Ansible role is for deploying and managing a Rapidpro service and all its components in a dockerized environment

License:MIT License


Language:Jinja 100.0%